Ch 17 Time walker and Dragon

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A few months after Veldora's attack and relocation of all the civilians to the future kingdom of Lubelius near the new border Chloe, Artoria and Luminous.

"You all ready?" Said Artoria.
"Yes," said Chloe, "and thank you for the lessons on sword play and magic usage." As she bowed her head.
"Don't worry about it Chloe." Said Luminous, "and everything will be ready for when you return." As Artoria walked up to Chloe and whispered something to her which caused her eyes to widen and started to head towards Falmuth.

As Chloe was fully out of sight Artoria collapsed like her legs wouldn't work right.
"Artoria what's wrong?!" Shouted Luminous as she quickly grabbed her and she noticed that her armor was paper thin, along with her expression was sickly.
"Sorry I thought I could get back to the tent before this happened," said Artoria as Luminous carried her back to her and Luminous tent, "I'm just low on magiculs luckily it's enough for me not to go into spiritual form." As Luminous sat her on a makeshift bed.
"Now you mind giving me a full explanation." Said Luminous waving off Roy and Louis from the tent.
Artoria let out a sigh, "you know how I told I came from a skill right?" As Luminous nodded, "when we're summoned we gain an extreme amount of magiculs from our summoner that can easily be recovered from our master, but like me we can sever that connection temporarily and not gain those precious magiculs that support our form and power, don't get me wrong I still generate magiculs but it compares to nothing on the amount I burn just using a simple skill." As Artoria caused Rhongomyniad to appear and put it in a case for transport, "for example me just keeping it invisible cost me more it is worth." As Artoria's left arm vanished into spiritual form. "See what I mean."
"So you just need to eat and sleep and have minimal usage of magiculs or reconnect with your master." Said Luminous as Artoria nodded as she began to doze off with Luminous caressing her cheek. And that would mean that I can't taste your blood for a long time.


Within Falmuth Chloe is walking around and surprised by there development of the capital and the insanely large magic circle surrounding the outer wall of the castle. Who created such a huge circle and what is its purpose? As she hears a familiar song in the wind. Wait is that the song of passage? As she followed to sound of the song.
"Let us pass, let us pass" said a girl in the wind almost like a whisper.
"Where does this narrow path lead?" Said the voice again as Chloe got closer.
"This is the narrow pathway to the gods in heaven," said the voice as Chloe was about to turn a corner and find a large field with a large rock in the center with a woman with silver hair and an archpriest attire as she continued to sing, "Your thoughts do not matter; you cannot pass, To celebrate this child's tenth, I must make an offering with these talismans," as unnoticed by Chloe a child was practicing some basic spells just on the other side of the field, "Going in may be pleasant, but returning is scary, Can I pass despite my fears?" As the song ends Chloe couldn't help but shed a tear.

"I see that our guest has arrived." Said the woman as a child came running up.
"Master I have finally finished mastering the spells in the book!" Said the child exited of his accomplishment.
"Of course my little disciple," as she got off the rock and the child backed away realizing he made a mistake, "but your being rude to our guest, but," as she pulls out a book with a note on it, "here translate that and start your duty to the kingdom, right Razen?" As the child nodded and ran off.

"He looks so innocent." Said Chloe as the woman retorted.
"Yes greed rots the soul," said the woman, "forgive my late introduction my name is Irisveil von Einzbern, former head mage of Falmuth before Razen."
"Ok miss Einzbern," said Chloe, "then can you tell me about this massive magic circle around the capital?"
"Oh that," said Irisveil giggling, "it's a large scale teleportation circle that I placed on the original town before it became what it is today, now I have to make a bigger one in a few days. And you can call me Irisveil."

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