Bonus ch. Erogon's allies locations

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On one of the training ground near the capital of the future eastern empire three trainees are being put through the paces of swordsmanship by Mordred. "Come on, you three out number me and I'm still winning."
"Hey you have more experience than us." Said one of the trainees and the other two nodded.
"Then one focus on keeping my attention and the other two go for the blind spots." Said Mordred as there training continues.

In a manor overlooking the training grounds behind a window Velgrend watching the training. "Do you think it's safe to trust that majin?" She said looking at Rudra.
Rudra was looking at some maps, "is not that I trust her it's just that we needed the assistance to train our troops and she was willing to help," said Rudra glancing at her, "and didn't you say she serves that unknown true dragon that your elder brother introduced you to?"
"Yes," said Velgrend, "but that dragon's energy was lower in power than my younger brother much weaker than that majin's aura."
"What if," said Rudra walking towards the window, "when you meet him he was in a weakened state where he couldn't release his true aura."
"True," said Velgrend, "well we can confirm that in a few years at my nieces birthday party." As Rudra nodded.


In the city near the Night Rose Palace Arthur was eating at a tavern getting many glares from her armor and weapon. What never saw full plate bunch of idiots, I can already tell that a few of these people are going to try and rob me. As she was almost finished eating a man sits across from her and starts speaking.
"So where did you get that armor? It's quite unique." Said the man.
"Is your life worth the price?" Said Arthur glaring at him as he leaned back from the murderous intent she was giving off.
"No I was just wondering who forged it so I can see if I can get one of my own!" Said the man stuttering.
"Like I said," said Arthur getting up and paying for her meal, "there is no forge on this world that can forge this armor." As she points to a group of men sitting at a larger table, "If you make a stupid bet like that again I will cut you balls off so you can never have sons again." As they all covered their sons.

As she left the tavern she sensed that three kk people were watching her in the crowd. These three are different from the group from the tavern let's deal with them in an isolated place. As she began to head to the back alleys to deal with more fools. As she ducked into an ally a person quickly tried to follow but Arthur disappeared from his sight.
"Shit where did she go and what is with that speed." Said a man with black hair and a nobleman's appearance. As he puts his hand over his ear. "You two have any eyes?" And nodded, "damn it where did she go? You guys check the outer perimeter." As he sighed and stiffened up as a lance appeared right beside him.
"So," said Arthur, "why are you and your buddy's following me or are you just after my armor?"
"No," said the man, "we were asked to bring you to our master lord Valentine."
"Let him know that I won't interfere with his experiments unless one of them interests me," said Arthur, "do you understand?" And the man nodded.
As soon as he nodded the lance vanished from his sight line and he quickly turned around and Arthur was gone. He sighed "I think she is going to be a problem but that is my lord to decide." As he began to walk back to Night Rose Palace, "everyone return to the palace I just got contact from the target."
Well this place is interesting just like Erogon said thought Arthur "well let's go with my true name for now Artoria." As she changed her attire to that of a common civilian and hides her armor and weapon in her storage skill.


Abigail headed to where Erogon said a nation was going to be built and saw a giant tree. "Well that would definitely call this tree a Divine Tree for a reason." As she made a small hut right below it in preparation.

Irisveil headed to a small nation forming in a strategic location, the soon to be called kingdom of Falmuth. "I know I sensed it here during my search and I can't believe it's below a new forming nation." As she senses Erogon's true body below this nation. "When he awakens this nation will probably be in ruins but I will have to see whether it is worth to save the citizens or let them die." As she begins to help with her magic in small ways and teaches some simple spells to some aspiring magicians.


Within a city that is going to become the capital of Ingrassia both Shana and Hecate are eating at a tavern. "So Hecate what do you think of my idea?" Said Shana.
"Forming an adventures guild," said Hecate eating some bread, "it's a nice idea but we are supposed to keep a low profile."
"True," said Shana, "but he also said to assist people, so I thought that we set up the guild and after a few years we hand it over to a responsible person to manage." As Hecate thought for a moment.
"So you start it up and run it and I will help spread its influence to other areas." Said Hecate getting up, "I would suggest that you get support from the local community and nobles." As she heads to different lands to spread the message of an international guide not bound by one country but with some stipulation when that country is at war. And Shana starts making the ground work for the guild.

End of bonus ch.

Name: Kogetsu Race: Herrscher Title: Herrscher of rimestar Unique Skill: UnknownSkills: UnkownTolerance: unknown

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Name: Kogetsu
Race: Herrscher
Title: Herrscher of rimestar
Unique Skill: Unknown
Skills: Unkown
Tolerance: unknown

Name: Kogetsu Race: Herrscher Title: Herrscher of rimestar Unique Skill: UnknownSkills: UnkownTolerance: unknown

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Name: Yukina
Race: Herrscher
Title: Herrscher of Rebirth
Unique Skill: Unknown
Skills: Unkown
Tolerance: unknown

Name: YukinaRace: Herrscher Title: Herrscher of Rebirth Unique Skill: UnknownSkills: UnkownTolerance: unknown

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Name: Fuji
Race: Herrscher
Title: Herrscher of Death
Unique Skill: Unknown
Skills: Unkown
Tolerance: unknown

"The Dragon That Changed Everything" Rimuru X OC Characterحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن