Ch 15 Time walker's Encounter

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Within a city in Blumund a girl with black hair and blue eyes with a mask on the side of her face eating at a tavern when she noticed a portal opening in the air and a familiar green haired demon walked out and spoke. "An new demon lord has been born! Her name is Luminous Valentine and her title is 'The Queen of Nightmares' that is all!." Said Misery and walked back through the portal as it closed.
"Wait isn't it a few years early for her to become a demon lord? Said the girl quietly
"Yes it is at least three years early Chloe" said a woman's voice in the girl's head.
"That is true miss Hinata," responded Chloe chuckles slightly, "I bet you were surprised about my true strength."
"Yea I was surprised that you were the hero that will seal away Veldora in a few years." Said Hinata noticing someone sitting with them. "Who is that?"
"Wait I didn't even sense her approach and sitting with us," retorted Chloe, "Let's see what she wants." As Chloe looked at her.

The girl that sat down has red hair and crimson eyes with leather armor and black underclothes so the armor doesn't rub on her skin, on her hip was a katana.
"So done talking with your friend?" Said the girl which shocked both Chloe and Hinata.
"How did you know that there was two people in this body?" Asked Chloe.
"I have an intrinsic skill that allows me to see souls as flames and when I saw you a few days ago I got interested by the two flames, though technically there are three right?" Said the girl.
"I see," said Chloe screaming in her head. What the hell how can someone have a skill like this and I never heard of her before we met. "So what do you want? And what is your name?"
"Oh forgive my lack of tact," said the girl, "my name is Shana, the hunter's guide gave me the title 'the flaming hair blazing eyes huntresses'." As she smiled at the introduction.

"Wait I heard of her before," said Hinata, "she is the founder of the hunters association that Yuki will takeover in the future and turned it to the Free Union Association. She's an S rank adventure and a high ranked majin, but I don't know who she serves but these memories seem fresh and not like our previous experiences with time leaping."
"So why is an esteemed adventure here and I have no memory of you?" Said Chloe with a stern look.
Shana chuckled, "probably because this is the very first time we met time leaper or should I say miss Chloe," as one of her eyes shift in color slightly, "this is the first iteration in this world's timeline that the person I serve is getting involved with this world."
"Chloe is fine." Said Chloe as she sensed a new presence around Shana. What's this presence? It feels like a true dragon but one I don't recognize. "So who am I talking to now?"
"Ho ho," said Shana with her eyes sifting to a multicolor draconic eye, "so you're used to detecting dragons like me, but you have nothing to worry about I can't use my power in Shana's body." As Chloe sifted her body Shana continued. "I mean no harm but I just wanted to give you a suggestion for a certain person in the future."
"A suggestion?" Said Chloe as Hinata was also curious.
"Yes when you save a girl of fire bring her to this girl as she can easily teach her to control the flame." Said the person possessing Shana.
"Wait your talking about!!" Said Chloe as Shana put her finger on her lips as to keep quiet.
"It might change her fate." Said Shana as her eyes slowly turned to normal, "oh if you want to speak with me in person go to Falmuth and seek out a person named Irisveil." As her eyes finally returned to normal. "Damn it I hate it when he does that!"
"Ok what did he mean by that?!" Said Chloe slamming her hand me on the table.
"Damn the man for giving me more work," said Shana pulling out a pendant, "I heard from the person I serve that in the future that a girl who hated this world for what it did to her, I wanted to help her by training her to accept what she has and to look for the better things in life." As she pulled out from her own storage skill some Mellon bread.
"I see but why would you train her?" Said Chloe as a voice spoke up from the pendant.
"Pardon her lack of keeping a conversation," said the voice, "she prefers fighting than politics, my name is Alastor and in this world I'm known as a superior fire spirit stronger than ifrit, and have a decent connection to Shana. Lord Wolfsbaine wants to change Shizu's fate by giving her an example of what a bond can be with a superior spirit, and once that can be possible, Lord Wolfsbaine will give her a new superior spirit but have there personality dormant, the spirits."
"But won't that change the timeline for another?" Asked Chloe thinking about the person she loves.

"Not exactly," said Alastor, "sir Wolfsbaine has a plan in place." As they continued to discuss the plan with Chloe, her expression changes from a serious tone to more of talking to an ally she can tolerate.
"Well I have to go speak to someone," said Chloe getting up, "hope I see you around." As she started to leave.
"You as well Chloe," said Shana then whispered, "you as well Hinata." As Chloe turned around and Shana was gone the only thing that remained was a red like fire feather dissipating into nothingness.
Wait where did she go? Thought Chloe.
Most likely she had a time stop ability and we just saw it, she seems stronger than us right now. Responded Hinata.
I see thought Chloe as she sighed, "well let's get going." As she started to walk towards night rose.

On one of the roofs of the huts Shana was watching Chloe leave, "you know you could have talked to her personally," as she looked behind her, "Erogon."
"You know why," said Erogon, "if we talked it may have altered the course of the world that is set in motion, if we speak in the cave that's fine but not out in the open."

As Chloe left the city and sharpened her senses she felt a massive energy behind her in the town and when she turned to look at the source she saw Shana talking with someone cloaked in shadow. Who is that!! Why couldn't I sense them till now!! As Shana saw Chloe looking in there direction she just waved her hand bye and the figure glanced in Chloe's direction and it sent shivers down her spine like she was looking as a monster way beyond her capabilities. Those eyes are like rainbows and their mana is enormous, how could they not be detected by the other residents? Wait I didn't sense them till I activated my detection skills so they're keeping their power hidden. As she let out a sigh and continued on her way she then thought, I may have to meet him soon.

End of chapter
Next chapter: warning and results

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