Ch 13 Creating Bonds

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While Luminous is sleeping peacefully the tension in the room is ready to be cut with a butter knife. And the tension is between Artoria and Twilight sitting at the table that Artoria and Luminous were eating together just a few hours before.

"So what is that ability you used to get around?" Said Twilight in an annoyed tone.
"Well, people like me can change there state of being and you and your followers can't sense me while I'm in that state." Said Artoria, "and the bad thing is I'm not the best in stealth skills, from my master's perspective."
"And you master is?" Said Twilight with one of his eyebrows raised, there is very few people that this person can call master and I can only think of lord Velda but he's dead and from her tone her master is still alive.
Artoria just smiles, "Someone you don't know, but you may have sensed his presence a few years ago when he fought Guy Crimson in Guy's territory up north."
Wait I did sense that presence at that time and he was powerful but not strong enough for her to call him master. "You must be joking," snickered Twilight, "that man seems weaker than you by miles apart."
"True if that was his full strength." Said Artoria, "what is I say it was only two fifth's of his power?" And Twilight immediately stopped snickering and realized something.
"I have something to deal with," Twilight said as he left the room, "you are welcome to stay, but if you get in my way I will kill you." As he closed the door.
"You wish you could kill me Twilight," whispered Artoria, "but you're far too young and weak to make that threat." As she closed her eyes, well time for my chewing out from master. As she allowed her mind to wonder she  finds herself in a white void.

Within the white void Artoria sees a white table with some tea and snacks and a man sipping some tea. Artoria instantly recognizes him, "master it's good," as her tone grows more like a person in trouble, "to see you."
"Artoria sit," said Erogon as she complied, "now I'm not mad at your decision even I was surprised at you giving someone protection." As he drank some tea, "I didn't even know that was possible, and it has opened a new path for that child Luminous."
"Then does that mean?" Said Artoria as Erogon stopped her.
"No Twilight must die," said Erogon, " I am giving you a new charge."
As soon as Artoria heard those words she immediately knelt down, "yes master, it shall be done."
Erogon smiled and got up and raised her head so her gaze met his, "my glorious king of knights, you new task is to aid Luminous gain allies and supporters to help her run that country, you will aid her in the killing of her father and help her till you think she is ready to rule without your aid."
"The time limit?" Asked Artoria.
"Till my full awakening." Said Erogon, "our dear Luminous is our fourth in my sealing." As the white void vanishes as the sun's rays start to hit Artoria's face.

As Artoria began to look around and instantly felt a familiar feeling from Luminous, the feeling of starvation of a vampire. Wait she hasn't feed on blood yet, but in this state she can easily drain a normal human dry. Looks like I have no choice. Artoria reduced her divinity away from her arm and cut that arm with her finger which immediately alerted Luminous and she lunged at her. Artoria caught her with the injured arm and Luminous sunk her fangs in and began drinking the blood. "Ouch," responded Artoria, "you're alright now Luminous." As she started to soothe her as Luminous regains her senses.
"What did I," said Luminous scared about what she did, "I'm so sorry."
"You're fine," said Artoria as she continued to soothe her, "it's just a part of who you are and there's nothing wrong with that." As Luminous looked up to Artoria. "So did you have your fill?" As she just nodded, "now get cleaned up one of the servants will be coming soon."
"Yes." said Luminous walking to the room's bathroom.

As Luminous walked to the bathroom to get washed up Artoria's wound closed quickly. That took fifteen percent of my blood, so I was right to do this but I hope that one thing doesn't occur like with the Kuran family. As a maid walked in and saw some blood on the floor.
"Are you alright ma'am?" Said the maid getting a mop ready that was outside the room.
"Your master had that prepared in advanced." Said Artoria as the maid nodded weakly, "don't worry about it the blood will vanish soon anyway." As she said that the blood that came from her arm and was on the floor crystallized and turned to dust in the wind.

Luminous washed up her face and thought see saw someone behind her and she quickly turned around and saw no one there and turned back to the mirror and saw the person again, what is this, some sort of memory from Artoria? As the man in the mirror was flayed alive and his skin grew back but Luminous felt every cut, every tear, even the skin growing back and she collapsed from the shock and pain of it.

Both Artoria and the maid heard the thud and rushed to the bathroom and saw Luminous passed out in pain.
"Let her father know that she won't be attending anything he has planned for today," said Artoria picking her up and putting her back in bed, "and I request an audience with him immediately."
"Yes ma'am." said the maid rushing out of the room almost in a panic, Artoria did not realize her aura was flaring almost in a rage.

After a few hours Artoria's aura calmed down as Twilight entered the room. "I have a question for you Twilight," said Artoria as her aura flared around her but was concentrated a few millimeters around her body, "can memory's be seen thought someone's blood?"
"Yes, but I usually toss them aside, gah" said Twilight as Artoria grabbed him by the throat.
"If you knew that you should have warned me about it!" Said Artoria, "I still have a very strong connection to my master and his memory was transferred to her." As she released her grip. "She was forced to watch and feel a person being flayed alive and there skin to grow back!"
Twilight gasped as he could breathe again and heard about the memory that was shown. "Why would your master have a memory like that?"
"In our old world he was falsely accused of being a traitor and to force him to confess they flayed him like that for five days and four nights on repeat," said Artoria sitting down by the bed, " luckily she only saw the first time it happened, and I have already severed my connection to my master's memories so this won't happen again."
"When will she regain consciousness?" Said Twilight getting back up from the floor.
"Tonight most likely," said Artoria, "I will explain it to her, hopefully she can accept that."

Twilight left the room with no concern for Luminous's well being. Well i will have the girl sent to her when she wakes up so she can feed. As he looks at Ashley, "get that girl prepared for Luminous and a meal for that woman."
"Yes my lord," responded Ashley, "do we have any counter actions against her?"
"None that I have thought of yet," said Twilight holding his neck, "she radiates holy energy but Luminous was ableist to feed off her somehow."
"I will find out how." Said Ashley as he left to do his tasks.

Artoria looked at Luminous in worry, "please work," she said as Artoria begins to cast a small memory seal on the memory she saw from Erogon and it succeeded with no issues, "oh that's good." Oh she is starting to wake and I already feel her hunger well this time I'm ready. As she lowered her divinity to that of a human saint, unbeknownst to her Ashley was watching through a hidden passage window and saw what happened.
What the why would she lower her own divinity, thought Ashley, maybe to feed Luminous and if that is true it will strengthen her considerably more than human blood.
Luminous started to open her eyes and sensing some blood nearby and looked in that direction and saw the outline of a woman with her veins showing as Luminous crawls towards the woman the woman assists her to get to her neck, "go ahead little one" said the girl in a soft tone as Luminous opens her mouth and sinks her fangs into Artoria's neck and starts drinking her blood.
Wait is lady Luminous craving blood at such a young age but I thought she would be terrified of her blood cravings from that memory Artoria spoke of. Thought Ashley closing the window and leaving. I will keep this information to myself it should be useful later on.
After Luminous had her fill of blood she backed off slightly and realized the person she sank her fangs into again was Artoria. "Why do you do this?" Asked Luminous as Artoria cleaned up her mouth.
"Because I have a duty to uphold," said Artoria, "and one of those things is to get you stronger, and to help you."
"So I should get subordinates and followers to defeat my father." Said Luminous and Artoria nodded.
"You won't get those nasty memories from my master again," said Artoria, "at least for now you have a long way to go."

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