3. Reincarnated

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Author's note - Hey guys , hold on this story and you won't regret it for sure.
Please do check my poem book too and vote this chapter ❤️
Let me know where the mistakes are , I'll correct them. Thanks
Also this is the only little lengthy chapter so please pardon.(;


Nothing is more gracious then swimming along with waves , and for her ocean was like another home.

She cared for nothing, being reckless she tried provoking the salty brin.

Underestimating power of waves . Soon she found found herself caught in a rip current that dragged her away from the shore.

Feeling a surge of panic, she realized she was going to die.
She tried to scream, but only swallowed more water.

Struggling, clamping her hands and feet , but she was nothing in compare to these waves; the once she always loved.

Shock, a cold, a numbness,when she plunged into the depths.
She felt no air, no life, no hope;only a dark abyss.

She struggled to swim back up,her muscles were burning and her lungs were screaming for air.

She felt herself sinking deeper and deeper, losing consciousness.

She stopped struggling, and let her lids fall down, she let the darkness consume her.

Memories, flashbacks and promises; in the darkness she saw face of her father.
She heard the promise her little self made to her father, she felt her father embracing her.

Her tears mixing with big bowling waves;she got a flashback of her biggest mistake.
She saw that grotesque sight of that face making her sinking heart filled with flames.
She shot opened her eyes, looking up she saw a bright light, and she knew ;she won't miss this for fortune.

Struggling with blazing currents, she threw her legs forcefully back.

Feeling a strong hand come out of that bright light, grabbing her arms and pulling her up. She gasped for air, coughing and choking.

She felt a breath like a spark jolting her whole being awake.

She shot opened her eyes, feeling a warm touch on her face, and a familiar facade infront of her eyes;it's her father.

Atasi's father ,Pratap Ranveer Singh;the king of Gorsha Kaupura empire.

Atasi panicked taking the sence of surrounding.
She shivered feeling extremely cold, her eyes wandering from her father's face and the surrounding.

She gulped hard, and touched her father's face, warm drops of his tears sending her whole demeanour to turmoil.

She couldn't believe it , this is real, she felt her father's face and his tears.

She looked down at her abdomen, she isn't bleeding anymore, she touched herself and she felt no pain.

She lifted her hand and pinched her other wrist, thinking it's too existent to be a dream.

"Atasi" her father let out a sigh of relief, seeing her daughter's eyelashes flickers giving glimpse of her blue eyes.

"Ba..ba" her voice came out crocky, making her father lift her up and made her sit on his lap.

"Atasi, what happened. Are you hurt, are you in pain, tell me my daughter, what happened".

She couldn't form a word. The reality infront of her eyes is too hard to accept.

𝐀𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐈 - 𝐀 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 Where stories live. Discover now