Chapter 127 : Confession before War (01)

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"Putra, everyone is attending Maharaj Draupad's daughter Yagnaseni Draupadi's swayamvar. It's been 2 weeks it's going on. Every day gold coins are distributed like rain for every people. Thousands of Brahmins are fed every single hour. For such an important occasion Aryavarta is momentarily stopped," Bhagwan Ved Vyasa says.

"Is it such an important matter? Maharaj Draupad must have left no stone unturn," Kunti comments.

"Yagnaseni Draupadi took birth from the holy Yagna. She is knowledgeable in all Veds and Sashtras by Brihashpati himself. Mahadev taught her weapons. Her bluish black hair reminds you of the fountain at night. Her lotus shaped blue eyes are so enticing you will get trapped by them. She has beautiful bow like arms. She is born with beautiful and mesmerizing breasts and hips. Her lotus like feet are the same of MahaLaxmi. She is born as a part of the Goddess herself. No women stands equal to her grounds in beauty. No women such beautiful was ever born nor will take birth in future. She is born to bear the light of righteousness for Aryavarta. One day she will be the mother of this entire Aryavarta,"

Kunti and her sons listen without even blinking. So it is true then. All the things they heard about her, is all true then.

Ved Vyasa says, "Unfortunately it's been 2 weeks the swayamvar is going on. But none could complete the task of winning her hand."

"What's the task of the swayamvar?" Kunti was surprised when Yudhisthira asks the question with interest himself. 

"The divine Kindhura bow of Lord Shiva. You need to string it and pierce the eye of a fish looking at its reflection in water,"

Immediately all four sons of her faces drops. As if someone gave them a really bad news. Only Arjuna listens keenly.

Ved Vyasa turns to Arjuna and smiles, "Maharaj Draupad wished Arjuna to win her hand. He doesn't believe strong warriors as Pandavas can be dead so easily. He has his men all around Aryavarta finding Arjuna."

Arjuna's face grew so radiant in a matter of seconds. Kunti smiles contently though the moment her eyes fell to her other sons, her face lost it's color.

While her sons were really interested about the princess before, she didn't take it seriously. But seems like it wasn't a simple fascination. Seeing them right now, Kunti's heart trembles with fear. These eyes aren't ordinary eyes. The remaining time, Arjuna only asked about Draupadi and Ved Vyasa answered him patiently. Her other sons also listened but they were dead silent now.

Kunti tosses and turns on her bed the entire night. She knows the next morning Arjuna will ask her permission to participate in the swayamvar. What can she do? This marriage might be the only way for her sons to leave this pathetic life. If Arjuna marries her, never again his life will be in danger. Kauravs will think 100 times before laying hands on the son in law of Maharaj Draupad, who tied them up like disobedient kids for attacking his kingdom years ago. But what about her other sons? Kauravs would still continue to harm her other four sons. And Arjuna is younger than Duryodhana and Dushsasan. He won't be able to inherit his father's throne. All his life, he will be  neglected and used without his brothers.

Kunti sits up frustrated.  The expression she saw at her sons face today, Kauravs might not even need to attack them. She fears, her sons will end up fighting with each other for the fire born princess.

Kunti looks back at her sons. Bheema had his arms spread and Nakula, Sahadeva are sleeping on his both sides. Arjuna as usual beside Yudhisthira. He fell asleep fanning his Jyest. Kunti thinks. How can brothers who love each other so much turn against each other? She shakes her head. She is being paranoid too much. A mere girl can never cause such havoc in their bonds.

Though while Arjuna asks for permission the next morning, her heart felt uneasy. Her sons all were excited about the swayamvar. Kunti blesses them as they leave for Panchala.

She goes inside and puts water in a stone bowl. While putting the bowl in front of her in an angle that it reflects the person standing behind her, she sits to meditate. Hours later, Kunti hears footsteps of her sons. She smiles but doesn't break her meditation. Her nostrils filled with intoxicating smell of  blue lotus. Her heart fills with happiness as if something amazing is going to happen with her. She feels her sons standing behind her. Kunti that time had the urge to turn back and look at the face of the woman who posses such divine aura. She opens her eyes and looks at the bowl of water.

Her smile vanishes in a second. Her son Arjuna and the princess are looking at each other with so much love. But is she an ordinary woman? She can't be as Mahamuni Ved Vyasa said. What have you done, Arjuna? How will your brothers or any man ever accept not having her after seeing her just once? Kunti understands immediately. Even fear of Maharaj Draupad won't stop any man. It's not only her sons anymore. Draupadi can never be left alone without strong protection. And Arjuna can easily be send away. Leaving Draupadi alone under those Kauvars is as good as leaving her for hungry wolves.

Kunti didn't know what possessed her the next second when Arjuna calls her saying he has something for her.

"Whatever you got Arjuna share equally with your brothers,"

As soon as she utters those words, her eyes met with Draupadi and Nakula in the reflection of water. The look of realization on both their faces told Kunti her little trick was caught by them.

Kunti's expression can only describe guilt. She looks at Draupadi, "Putri, I know in you heart you also know this. You became Samragni not by marrying Yudhisthira, but by your own merits. I know the moment I uttered those words, you knew it was deliberate."

"Dadishree, what are you talking about?" Prativindhya asks.

"I knew...what Arjuna has bought...the order I gave them was deliberate.."

Arjuna was so stunned that he forgot to breath even. His mother knew? She knew all along? Then why did she give such order?

"Mata, what are you talking about? You apologized to us so many times for that order. You apologized to Draupadi for that for years. Now you are telling me that you knew I took Draupadi home? Answer me, Mata!" Arjuna asks in disbelief.

"Don't be so foolish, Arjuna. You five never take a step from your home without telling Mata. How could she not know?" Draupadi points grimly.

Arjuna felt extremely hopeless all in a sudden, "Mata, you knew how much I cried. You knew the pain I go through for sharing Draupadi. You turned a blind eyes to that?"

Kunti sobs, "Forgive me, putra. I had no other choice. You all loved her years before meeting her. Don't you remember? In Hastinapur, you five would talk about her for hours. If only you married her Putra Arjuna, could you see your brothers suffer? Is putri Draupadi an ordinary woman? Her beauty makes the apsaras of heaven ordinary. She would have led you brothers to your own doom."

Karna's mouth fell open. He looks at Prativindhya who mirrors his expression. Others are too stunned to speak as well. Hearing about his brothers, Arjun is tongue tied.

"Mata, I came in you home as Arjuna's bride. Rather than blaming your sons for viewing their brother's wife inappropriately, you are putting the blame on me?" Draupadi's blunt way of addressing makes Kunti flinch.

Yudhisthira, Bheema, Nakula, Sahadeva also couldn't look up in embarrassment. Nakula knew what happened that time but he stayed silent. But for everyone else, this is a huge shock.

"Mata, whatever fascination they had towards me, should have ended after I garlanded their brother. Because I stood in front of them as their sister in law not an unmarried woman," Draupadi finishes.

Arjuna is the only one looking at his mother with disbelief. No one else made eyes contact with each other. His eyes brim with tears as he lowers his head to hide them.

Krishna looks at his friend sadly. Unfortunately for his Parth, more shocks awaits.

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