Chapter 133 : Patal Lok

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Shrutasena is doing checkup of Maya. Before Satanika left, he gave him this responsibility.

"Bhabishree, eating must be tough. But you need to eat otherwise how will your child live? Skipping meals won't do any good to your health," Shrutasena says.

"Bhrata Shrutasena, you won't understand. I can't tolerate even the smell of food," Mata sighs leaning on the bed.

Vomiting so much is taking a toll on her.

"Then, some fruits? What do you desire?" Shrutasena asks.

Maya thinks for some time, " I am craving Mangoes with curd."

Shrutasena immediately orders the maids. Padma who is in charge of taking care pregnant Maya runs to get those prepared.

"Bhrata, what do you think? Who will it be? Girl or a boy?" Maya asks.

Shrutasena smiles, "Whoever it is, that child will be loved. What do you wish for Bhabishree?"

Maya blushes, "I generally wanted a boy. But Arya really wishes for a girl."

Shrutasena frowns immediately. A girl?

Maya goes on, "Now even I want a girl. Arya was describing so beautifully what he would do if it's a girl..."

Shrutasena's voice becomes low, "Bhabishree, our blood can never give birth to Laxmi."

Maya looks at him surprised, "What do you mean?"

"After the Dyut Sabha, our bloodline was cursed. No women will born in our family," Shrutasena says.

Maya's face falls in sadness. Her hand immediately goes to her stomach. So It's going to be a boy after all. Though it doesn't matter to her if it's a girl or boy. She will love them equally. But hearing that she can never have a daughter broke her heart.

"I apologize, Bhabishree. I shouldn't have said that. But you seemed really excited about a girl...I didn't want you to have a false idea," Shrutasena says.

"It's fine..."

"Bhrata must have forgotten..." Shrutasena stands up.

Padma comes with the Mango and curd Maya asked. Shrutasena deep in his thoughts leaves the chamber.

He goes to the common chamber of their brothers. Prativindhya is discussing a matter with Sutasoma. Shrutakarma is teaching Abhimanyu.

"Sena, what's with the lost face?" Sutasoma asks.

Shrutasena turns to his brothers, "Bhrata, seems like we are forgetting our past. What our maa suffered, what we suffered. Seems like we all are drifting away from our goal."

Prativindhya looks at him confused, "What are you saying?"

"We forgot nothing, Bhrata," Shrutakarma immediately becomes a little hoarse. Whenever his mother's past is mentioned he tends to lose his temper.

"Today while checking Bhabishree, she expressed that you want to have a daughter," Shrutasena turns to Sutasoma.

Sutasoma looks at him confused, "Yes I did. What's wrong with this?"

"Did you forget, Bhrata? That our bloodline is cursed. No women will take birth in our bloodline," Shrutasena clenches his fists.

Realization draws on Sutasoma's face. His eyes lower themselves.

"I... forgot... I gave her a false hope it seems," Sutasoma's voice was filled with pain.

Everyone was silent for a time being.

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