chapter twenty five

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Kajal open her eyes slowly, she look around and saw shubham was seaten on couch working on laptop. She slowly get up, seeing her shubham walk towards her give her water which she drink.

How are you feeling now jaan? He asked...good..she answer.

Jaan doctor said, we can go home, kritika wants you to stay at her place for some days..he said.. And kajal look at him and spoke..we'll staying together right? She asked in hope her eyes were soft she wanted to stay with her husband, her love and she wants everyone to know....

He nodded and kiss her forehead.


In rathore mansion.

Kajal enter the mansion with shubham and behind them were guards, seeing kajal everyone toss roses on her welcoming her warmly.

Welcome home... Kritika said and hugged her Best friend.

What's all this? Kajal asked whole living room.was decorated with flowers.

Small celebration for our kajal...said kalpana with soft smile.

they celebrated to make kajal feel good, and it works, she was happily smiling.

After min kritika take kajal to her room for freshen up... Everyone have dinner together with jokes the environment was good for kajal, she look at shubham who was talking with shravan about business works.

Shub when you gonna reveal our relationship.. She said in mind.

days passed kajal was recovering her health was good, but mentally she was disturb, shubham was very busy this days, same goes with shravan both were coming late from company, leaving early without having breakfast it was worrying kajal.

at night..

shubham walk inside mansion, and meet with angry eyes of kajal..he gulp and walk towards her

Jaan what happen? He spoke softly.

Don't call me jaan...she said in angry tone, noone was in living it was just them.

Shravan massage his temples and sigh.... He look at her and said...I'm trying to finish my works as soon as possible jaan, i know I'm not spending time with you, i know jaan..just few more days..i promise we will go somewhere for vacation...he said and kajal angry face turns to soft she pout and nodded.

Seeing this shubhma sigh in relief he pull her and hugged her...I'm so lucky to have you.... He said and kiss her head.

next day kritika, kajal, sneha came with guards, as it was abhimanyu order to keep ladies protected.

they were in dress section..sneha eyes fall on beautiful black anarkali she check the price and it was expensive seeing her small face kritika asked her..

You want it...sneha look at her then at's expensive...she said.

Don't worry about price, we have this...kritika said and show her black card.

Didi it's black card only few people have this...sneha said in detail.
i know it's maan's card,he give us for shopping... Kritika said with smile..

Now take whatever you want... Sneha nod with smile..

after shopping so much. They went to icecream parlor,bodyguards weare eating ice cream as sneha insists eat.

di you should try, this mint one....sneha's taste like toothpaste... Kajal and kritika laugh.

Three of them enjoying there time, when they heard gun firing, guards surrounded them as shield..

what's happening?? Kritika asked one of bodyguard..

Ma'am immediately call sir, we are surrounded by pulavan man's... Bodyguard said and shoot those man's..

Those people has wear blue suit and face was hidden by mask, they were shooting guards...

Rajiv pass me this women's I'll leave you and others... Said one of mask man.

I knew it, you betrayal, before touching them you have to cross me...rajiv one of abhimanyu trusted bodyguard said..

okay finee then..he said and shot one guard and he fell down..

Rajiv safely bring three if them outside of'am run from here, don't get in there hands they are dangerous and call sir...I'll handle here he said and shot those mask man's.

Three of them running fast, they enter in mall as it was crowded place and safe for them..she hurrily called abhimanyu but he was not picking it up.

on other side.

Abhiamanyu was in meeting with him shravan and shubham were also there as it was shareholder meeting.

Abhimanyu phone was silent, his focus on big screen....

shravan phone ring everyone look at him, he picked up..

what!!! He scream and look at abhimanyu who look at him with frown.

He hung up and look everyone and said.

today's meeting is cancel, bhai let's go..he said and walked outside.

What happen?? Abhinanyu asked him.

Pulavan that fucker send man's behind them our some guards were killed..he said and abhimanyu clenched his teeth in anger.

Shubham widen his eyes thought of kajal and other is in danger sacres him, he walk fast and open car door..

Track them subham...shravan said...already did, they inside royal mall...he said with smirk..

Kritika.kajal.sneha hide in parking area behind cars, kajal was in tears..

I'm scared kriti I'm scared...she said in whisper, her tears were flowing..

sneha just seat there quietly, but from inside she was shaving, her heart was pounding..

Shravan is on the way, we have to be strong..kritika said trembling..

They heard sound of clicking shoes, not one but many, they look at each other and put hand on there mouth to not make any sound..

c'mon ladies come outside... Don't make me more angry..pulava said...

pulavan shah owner of ps empire, and rival of rathore family, kajal bua and kaka ji fix his marriage with sneha, but her rejection makes him angry, he wanna forceful marry her now...

sneha it's your fiancée here...he said and sneha breaths heavily...

You want something bad happen to your sister, you remember what i said, I'm a man of my words...he said and sneha look at kajal in tears..kajal mouth her don't go outside which she nodded.

fine, hide wherever you are if my bodyguard found you all, it will be worst, I'll count till 3 if you don't come out, you have to face the consequence.

1..2..3...he said and smirk..

he look at his bodyguards and nodded him..

Found you...he scream making trio flinch in fear who were behind cars...

to be continued

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