chapter twenty two

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there is no traffic today, it means we will go there early....said sneha excitedly

shravan look at her and smile, sneha was wearing white anarkali with white bangles, which was tinkling whenever she was making movement.

Soon they reach the chocolate shop, as they enter no one was only staff were present.

No one is here, usually at this time whole place is crowded, it's unbelievable... She said and shravan just nod with her statement.

Go have whatever you want it's on me...shravan said, sneha nod and take various types if chocolate, candies.she was smiling like small child her baby cheeks were making her more cute.

Shravan just stand there watching her with smile, he really fell for this girl, her antics, her cuteness was making shravan addicted to her.

No kid you can't come, shop is closed for 1 hour...the staff member said to small kid.

but why? See there inside are two people if shop is closed then what are they doing inside?... Small boy said as he look inside.

Sneha look at shravan who was looking outside he saw the direction which he was looking there was small boy on shop gate and he was crying..

Sneha goes towards the small boy seeing shravan follow her,. She bend down on his level and wipe his tears.

who made this small cutie cry? She said and the small boy look at shravan who was giving him glare seeing this the boy hug sneha and cries.

Ohh noo shhh, cutie don't cry...she said rubbing his small back.

I wanna go inside, this bad uncle no sending parth inside..boy said hiding his face in sneha neck.

Why not sending, I'll take you inside..she said and pick up him.
take whatever you want this person will pay..she said and parth nod in happily showing his bunny teeth.

After taking so many chocolates, they went towards counter.there was two girls who were gossiping something.

She is so lucky, the man buy entire shop for just some hours like it has cost so muchh...the girls said...sneha heard this she look at shravan who was with parth showing him more candies.

How can he do this...she said in her mind.

after drop the boy to there house, whole ride was silent, sneha look at shravan and clear her throat.

Is that true? She asked and shravan look at her with brows up.

What is true? He said.

Did you but the entire shop and that also for just some hours...she said and shravan sigh.

You don't like there? He said eyes on road.

No it's not like just you don't need to buy t...she was cut of when shravan stop his car in side of road.

I don't want anyone there but only us, and it's nothing for me to buy something...i will buy every single thing if sneha like it and wanted it....he said with serious tone sneha cheeks were red. It's first time Someone did this for her.

but why?? She whisper

Because i wanna do it for you.. He said and start the engine.

They reach sneha house, shravan opens door for her.

They bit good byee but didn't saw there was someone watching them and it was kajal she look at sneha.

i can't let him do this again, i must keep sneha away from him he is danger...she speaks in her mind.


Shravan came inside mansion, kritika saw him and walk towards him

shravan can we some words? She asked and shravan nod.

They both were in garden, shravan was looking kritika waiting for her words

shravan what's going on between ypu and sneha..she asked and shravan look at her with surprise, he knew it was coming.

Kriti i know what you wanna say, listen i don't have any bad intention with sneha whatever feelings i have towards her is pure, and I'm sure about this... He said and kritika nod in understanding.

Shravan i see you are in love,but don't break her heart, she is not Like others she will not blame you but herself, she is over thinker girl...kritika said with worried expression.

i never let that happen kriti, i love her and when i said i love her it means i will not do anything to make her over think or blame herself... Trust me...he said with genuinely.


I understand i talk to him...abhimanyu said in angry voice..

He pick his coat and left for his house..
as he enter he saw shravan talking with kritika whike arranging dinning table.

he goes to him and Punch him landing him on floor.

Maann..kritika shout sudden behavior of her husband confused her..

You fuckerrrr, don't you get tired using people again and again...abhimanyu said his face was red by anger..

Whom did i use? Shravan said as he get up he was also angry but he keep it  calm.

Sneha kajal sister, what are you playing with her? He said and next shravan hold his collar in anger.

I won't hesitate to kill you, and it doesn't matter me if you are brother or not...he said kritika come between them.

shravan leave him...she said and shravan look at her.... Your husband is talking bullshit make him stop not me...he  said and push abhimanyu.

I'm talking bullshit? So tell me what's between you two? Abhimanyu said loudly now everyone was in hall. Shravan face was all red so as abhimanyu.

Shravan calm himself down, he look at abhimanyu with cold face.

I love her, i fucking love her, you may think I'm lying i don't care, i love her and my feelings are genuine for her.. He said and left from there.

Abhimanyu look at kritika she slowly nod her head, he understand shravan feelings are true.

When did this happen? Param ji said looking at kritika who look down.


To be continued..

This chp was all about shravan and sneha...🥰🥰

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