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"Your move", Chris told Minho who exhaled sharply before lazily placing his chess piece on the board. Chris raised a brow as he looked at Minho's sour mood, causing him to lean back on his seat facing Minho dead on. ''Alright, say it", Chris stated with a stern look to his face while Minho kept his head lowered.

''I'm listening Minho", he said agitatedly, making Minho slowly raise his head up looking at him with an irritated expression. "Why should I, you don't listen to me anyways", Minho said in a complaining tone while Chris gritted his teeth at him.

"Fine, I'm listening now", Chris said in a remorseful tone, clenching his jaws and lowering his head while fiddling with his fingers, making Lee Know look at him in astonishment and anger. "You'll listening now? when have you ever listened to me? YOU RAPED HIM! For goodness sake Chris, What the Hell were you thinking. Is that your way of bringing him closer to you ......HUH?!?", Minho yelled out as he couldn't hold himself back no longer.

Chris abruptly stood up heading towards the bar area to Pour himself a glass of wine with many emotions going all over his head. Minho looked at him and strode towards him with anger laced all over face. He stood right next to Chris, not paying attention to Chris pouring his second glass of wine.  

"You know you fucked up right, how are you supposed to fix this mess, Felix is probably afraid of you now", he told Chris who gritted his teeth before facing Minho. "YOU DON'T THINK I KNOW THAT??...I tried to be gentle as possibly as I could with him, but he just kept on fighting me, WHAT ELSE WAS I SUPPOSED TO DO, it was our wedding night and I wanted to be satisfied, it's his job!?" he explained himself to Minho who wasn't buying it.

Minho moved even closer now, standing inches away from Chris's face, "Look bro, whether its you girlfriend, wife or hook-up, NO means NO. This is not the Chris I grew up with, we used to play with Felix as kids, that must mean something to you.", Minho told him while placing his hand on Chris's shoulder who began to sob as he his returned to his seat.

Chris sat back down exhaustedly and quickly looked up at the angry Minho who had a nervous expression on his face for talking to the King the way he did but at the same time glad he did. "Look Minho, I'm lost for words right now, tell me what to do, I know I f*cked up big time. Help me!", with that being said, Minho took a deep breath before approaching Chris by his seat.

"Maybe I could be of help. This morning when you said we must let Mrs. Lee and that guy leave, I only let her go, I still have that guy in the dungeons, because, I feel that he knows more that he leads on and, there's definitely more to this story than meets the eye", he told Chris who looked up at him with hooded eyes before shaking his head in confusion.

"What?", he asked Minho in utter puzzlement. "I kept him here, so that once your temper lowers, you can be a man and go speak to him since you can't talk to Felix without lashing out at the poor soul", he said tensely with his head lowered. Chris's lips curved as he was about to lash out at Minho when suddenly, they heard the library door open abruptly as Changbin came inside running and sweating.

Chris and Minho both looked at him in bewilderment. "What is the meaning of this?", Chris asked him, while Changbin bowed to him then at Minho before clearing his voice, "My apologies your majesty, but there was an accident", Changbin stated in a trembling voice as Chris and Minho glanced at each other before facing Changbin again.

"What accident?", Minho asked, while Chris immediately stood up from his seat feeling worried somehow. "iiit's the mmmain Queen yooour majesty", Chanbing stuttered, making Chris walk up close to him and fist his shirt in anger while roughly pulling him closer to his face. "What are you talking about, where is Felix?", Chris asked with gritted teeth making Changbin tremble even more.

"SPEAK UP!" Chris yelled at him causing Changbin to flinch by quickly raising up his head to look at him. "Your majesty, He...he....he tried to hurt himself", Changbin explained nervously, causing Chris to let go of him and sprint out of the library while Minho and Changbin rushed behind.

Once Chris reached the top of the stairs, he could here the sounds of cries nearby, while his heart began to race anxiously. As he neared Felix's chambers, he saw some maids crying outside the door, along with Hyunjin and Innie his maidservant. Jinnie was also present along with Lisa her maidservant, but they were more puzzled on what was going on.

When they all saw Chris approach, they bowed their heads while Chris didn't pay attention to any of them as his focus was on Han's wailing voice coming from inside Felix's bedroom. Panic began to consume him when he entered and saw Han standing outside Felix bedroom door with blood all over his clothes.

Minho's eyes went wide in shock as he quickly rushed to Han and embraced him while Han did the same. Chris felt his feet get heavy as he saw the doctors who stay at the castle busy inside Felix's bedroom with blood everywhere. He slowly entered the bedroom and his body froze, as he looked at the doctors surrounding the lifeless Felix who had bandages on both his wrists.

Chris's teary eyes wondered around the doctors, as one was giving Felix CPR, the other calling out Felix's name, the 3rd doctor was injecting something on his arm while the 4th doctor was preparing to hook him on a drip.

As one of the doctor saw Chris approach them while trembling and sobbing in tears, he quickly went up to him, pulling him back, "Your majesty, please give us some space, please wait outside", he pleaded, but all fell onto deaf ears as Chris strode faster towards Felix pushing the doctor who was giving CPR away and embraced him in his arms. 

"Felix....(sniff)...baby what did you do, please wake up....(sniff)... please wake up, I'm sorry, I was dumb, stupid and ignorant. I'm so sorry, please wake up my love", Chris cried out when two of the doctors slowly approached him nervously. "Your majesty, please let us do our job, let us save him before its too late!", they begged him.

Chris raised up his head in anger and looked at them with tears all over his face "Wake him up, WAKE HIM UP NOW..... OR I SWEAR TO GOD,  I WILL BE-HEAD THE LOT OF YOU RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!"

*To be continued....
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