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That same Friday afternoon, Felix was in a sad sulky mood since the day Chris returned 3days ago. He was doing the laundry by the lake when a heard 6 horses and a carriage appear at his home.

His heart skipped a beat when he saw that it was one of the royal carriages from Chris's castle. He wiped his hands clean on the apron and went over to greet the horseman he didn't recognize.

Changbin got off on his horse, so did the other 5 horsemen and bowed their heads to Felix who was approaching them. Felix also bowed while his mother came out from the house, nervously heading towards them.

They also bowed to her while she did the same to them as well. "What may we be of help with kind sirs?", she asked as she and Felix exchanged eye glances with one another in confusion.

Changbin cleared his throat as he took out a scroll reading it out loud.

To Mr Lee Felix,

The King wishes to have your hand in marriage tomorrow as his 3rd queen. You do not have to bring your belongings as the King will provide you with whatever you need. Your mother may accompany you now but she cannot stay as you will have to attend a short training tonight for preparation as the new wife and queen for our King tomorrow. Your mother may return tomorrow morning to help you with preparations before the wedding ceremony commences in the afternoon.

From your King Chris Bang.

Changbin wiped off his sweating forehead before closing the scroll and bowed again to Felix while extending his hand showing him towards the open carriage.

Felix and his mother exchange looks again before facing Changbin in bewilderment. "Excuse me sir, but where is the King, why didn't he come himself if he wants to propose for my hand in marriage?", Felix asked with irritation laced in his voice.

Changbin raised his head up thinking for a moment before facing the angry looking Felix. "My soon to be queen, the King has so many matters to attend today, that is why he couldn't come on his own, but he does want to wed you tomorrow", Changbin replied nervously.

Felix scoffed at Changbin's reply while looking at his mother who had her lips folded in a straight line. Mrs Lee knew her son's temper, that's why she was silent, he can speak for himself Better than she can.

"What is your name King's guard?", Felix asked him. "It's Changbin my Queen", he answered. "Well Changbin, I'm not your queen and will not be your King's third, nor second or first queen EVER. Who does he think he is, if he wants words with me, tell him to come on his own and stop hiding behind his guards, you got that... CHANGBIN??", Felix growled out before heading back to his laundry while his worried mother followed him behind.

Changbin looked at the other guards, who also looked at him in frustration. "Sir Changbin, what do we do, remember the King said we do not come back without him!", one of the guards stated.

"I know, I know", Changbin wiped another sweat off his forehead before facing the guards. "Men, I guess we have to do this the hard way", he told the guards as they all headed towards where Felix and his mother went off to.


"Check mate", Chris told Minho as he beat him at the game of chess for the 3rd round. "Aaaw..you cheating", Minho complained, while Chan laughed at him, but their laughter was interrupted by noise coming from the hallway.

Minho quickly drew out his sword as he stood up along with 2 other guards who were standing guard by the doors to the King's library, drawing out their swords as well, "Your highness, shouldn't we take you to a safe place?", he asked Chris who just continued to reposition the chess pieces unbothered.

Suddenly the doors opened with Changbin and another guard holding each arm of the struggling and yelling Felix tightly, while one guard was leading the way for Felix's mother who looked frustrated and worried.

When Felix saw Chris sitting on his chair in the library quietly looking at him, he stopped struggling, and that's when Changbin and the other guard let go of his arms. Chris smirked at Changbin who was patting his scratched face with a napkin.

"Tough day Changbin?", Chris asked while Minho tried to hold back his laugh. Changbin cleared his throat, "No your highness", he lied bowing his head. Chris faced Felix's mother and bowed his head at her while standing up, "Mother in law, welcome", he said with a small smile.

"Don't call my mother that, she's not your mother in law since I don't except your proposal... Your highness!", Felix said with gritted teeth while Chan clenched his Jaws glaring at him.

Minho walked up to Mrs Lee, "Mem, please let me get you some tea while the King and ummm, while they both talk", he told her while she looked at her son and Chris nervously.

"Is it wise to leave them both alone, by themselves?", she asked Minho who gave her a quick nod while escorting her out along with the other guards.

When they were both left alone, Chris offerd Felix a seat who refused as he looked away folding his arms. Chris walked closer to him extended his hand to his face while Felix moved back glaring at him.

"I'm only checking if they didn't hurt you", he said to him sternly. Felix huffed, "Why would you care when you're the one who ordered them to drag me and my mother here against our will!?", Felix voiced out angrily while looking away.

"My apologies then, I knew you wouldn't have come unless they dragged your fiesty ass here. So... do you accept my proposal?", Chris asked while leaning on his table.

Felix faced him with a sneer, "Over my dead body... Your highness!", he answered.

To be continued....
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