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As years passed, Felix and Chris's friendship grew with each passing day. Though they didn't get to see each other often due to the King's disapproval, but Chris made sure to sneak out every chance he got to go see Felix whenever the King was away.

Though Mr Lee was disapproving of not accompanying him to these visits anymore, he eventually gave up when Chris turned 16 because Chris didn't see the need for a chaperon since he was a great fighter and swordsman who can look out for himself.

He never saw Felix's friend (Mark) again and it made him happy, on the other hand Felix was sad about it since he wanted all 3 of them to bond. He even asked Mark about it who always made an excuse, causing Felix to let him be.

When Felix was 16 and Chris just turned 18, they were sitting on a small mountain that wasn't too far from Felix's house. They were sitting under a throw with a picknic basket. As Felix looked at the stars, Chris couldn't keep his eyes off him. He had fallen, deep. Felix quickly looked back at him causing Chris to look away shyly while biting his lower lip.

Felix smiled at his flushed expression before reaching inside the basket, taking out a small plain box handing it to Chris. "Happy 2 days belated birthday", he said excitedly to him. Chris was surprised as he took the box looking back at Felix, "Really, for me?", he asked happily.

"Of course it's for you silly, wanted to give it to you on your birthday but you couldn't make it", he said shyly. Chris felt a bit sad remembering that his father threw him a big 18th birthday party with only the royal families invited. "I'm sorry I couldn't come Lix, I was basically forced to attend that boring ass party, if it were up to me, I would have been right here with you instead", he said blushing.

Felix smiled while blushing as well, "I know Chris, it's okay, you here now, open it", he told him, while Chris excitedly opened the box revealing 2 matching necklaces made of a string and a shell as a pandent. Felix took one and wore it, then took the other and placed it on Chris's neck.

"See, now we have two matching necklaces, do you like it?", he asked anxiously since he knew Chris is used to luxurious jewelry and this necklace was made from a normal string and a shell he got from the lake.

Chris smiled at his cuteness and held the shell giving it a kiss, "I love it very much, thank you Lix" he said, causing Felix to flush red. They kept gazing at each other, then began to lean closer, and closer as both their eyes landed on each other's lips. As they were about to kiss, Felix mother called out from the house, "Felix, Chris, it's getting dark you two, come down from there!", she said.

The both of them giggled before packing up their belongings and heading down. Felix stood next to Chris's horse as he climbed on it, "Thank you again for this amazing gift Felix, I'll cherish it for the rest of my life", he said before leaning down to give Felix a quick peck on the cheek, then rode away on his horse.


Chris was riding his horse looking at the stars while smiling from ear to ear as he caressed the shell pendant from the necklace. The minute he entered the castle, he was met by the worried looking Minho who helped him off his horse. "Your father's back, he looks mad and he's asking for you", he told him. Chris widened his eyes at him, "He's back, I thought he'll be gone for a week", Chris said with dread.

"I know man, me too, just go to him, he's with my father in the office chambers", Minho told him while Chris nodded in uneasiness. When he got inside the King's office, he bowed greeting Mr Lee who was standing next to his seated angry father who looked like he was about to murder him. He then bowed greeting his father who immediately stood up and marched towards him punching him hard on the face, making Chris stumble a bit.

"You've got some nerve, I go away doing business to make a better future for you and the next generation to come, but you still sneaking out, running around with that parasite of a boy!", he growled while Chris kept his head bowed. "What Is wrong with you, aren't you thinking about our reputation?", he asked in disgust. Chris suddenly spoke up, "I am father, but Felix is not a parasite, he's my friend and I like him", he stated still bowing his head.

His father's eyes widened and was about to go punch his son again when Mr Lee held him back, "Your majesty, forgive the boy, they just teenagers playing around", he explained nervously as Chris's father turned to face Mr Lee with rage in his eyes. "So you knew all along about this Ming, do you serve me or my son?", he questioned him angrily. "I serve you my King, my apologies", he said while bowing his head as well.

Chris's father shook his head agitatedly before facing his son again, "You listen here son and listen well, One: your days of gallivanting with that leach are over, in three days we going to war with those barbarics the Wangs, and you're coming with. Two: when we return from war, you are to Wed the daughter from the Kim royal family and the son from the royal Hwang family who will give you lot of children".

As Chris heard this, he quickly raised his head with furrowed eyebrows, his mouth agape as he looked at his father before facing Mr Lee who shook his head at him (warning him silently to be quiet and not make things worse) before Chris angrily bowed his head back down again as his father went on.

"You will marry them like it or not, it's already been decided and the families have already agreed. I'm helping you so that you'll have an heir to carry out our name take over after you are long gone and also so you don't make the same mistake like I did by only having one queen, DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR! ", he roared out with enrage.

Chris was silent for a moment before raising his head facing at his father," But father, I love.... ", he was cutt off by a stinging slap from his father who moved even closer to his face, "I said, do I make myself clear? ", he asked with gritted teeth. Chris clenched his Jaws and fists looking up at his father, "Yes, Father", he replied before bowing to him and Mr Lee, then headed out of the office.

*To be continued....
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