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Felix and Mark were brought to the back side of the castle where the yard was after their failed attempt to run, as they got spotted by some local villager onlookers who thought The Queen was being kidnapped on his wedding day. Two guards were difficultly holding onto the struggling Felix's arms, while the other two guards were brutally beating and kicking Mark on the grass.

"LEAVE HIM ALONE.....GET AWAY FROM ME YOU FOOLS, PLEEEEEEASE STOP....MARK!!", Felix's cries came to a halt when suddenly a guard behind them announced, "Our Majesty is here", causing the other guards to let go of Felix's arms, while the other two also stopped hitting mark in order to stand up and bow their approaching King.

As Chris appeared before them, he began clapping his hands as he looked at Mark's weakened state on the floor before kneeling infront of him to whisper in his ear. "I thought I told you to leave my wife alone, and yet you here to, uninvited, to steal him away from me, so bold of you, ...txc...txc...txc.., what should I to do with you now?', he asked Mark who tried to speak but started coughing out blood before mumbling something from his mouth.

"What was that?", Chris questioned before Mark looked up at him with heavy panting before answering, "You'll' never get Felix's heart this way, he hates you, and I've hated you the moment you banished me from visiting him. you can't control him just because you're King, he Hates you!", Mark told him while laughing in Chris's face. Chris smirked before standing up to take off his crown and cape, handing it to Minho. 

Chris then rolled up his shirt sleeves and pointed down at Mark, "I warned you!". After saying these words, Chris began to kick Mark unmercifully, while Felix screamed out as he tried to go pull Chris away from him but the guards held him back again, "Chris....I mean your majesty...my husband...please stop this madness ,....please I beg of you, you're going to kill him!!", Felix cried out, causing Chris to finally halt the beatings and angrily turned his rage towards the pleading Felix. 

Chris strode towards the anxious Felix as the guards still held him by the arms while tears ran down all over his face.  Chris stopped his steps once Infront of Felix till there was no space between them. "Really Felix!?...are you really defending this man who tried to take you away from me.....on wedding DAY?!", he snapped out at Felix who raised his head to look up at Chris in hatred.

"Mark has nothing to do with this... it was all my plan, please... I beg you to spare him", Felix pleaded with him while Chris clenched his jaws tightly at him. When suddenly Minho came running up to Chris and whispered something in his ear, causing Chris to ruffle his head in frustration. "Minho, please go apologize to the guests waiting, and explain to them that there's urgent mater that came up and to all go home...plus, make sure they no nothing about what happened", he commanded Minho who complied, before Chris faced the distressed Felix again.

Another guard approached Chris and also whispered something to his ear. Making Chris turn to face Felix with a smirk on his face. "Guards, take this fool on floor to the dungeons, where he'll be interrogated, Also,....take Han and Mrs. Lee down there as well...but don't lay a single hand them....understood", he informed his guards who agreed in unison.

At hearing this, Felix freed himself on the guards clutches and moved closer to Chan to beg him, "Please, my Mother and Han had nothing to do with this....let them go please", he pleaded angrily, while Chan moved even closer to him, "They committed treason my love and will need to be interrogated", he told him. Felix frowned at him, "Then put me in there as well, I orchestrated everything.....so go on....put me in there with them", Felix said in vexation, while Chris smirked and slowly walked towards Felix who was moving back anxiously.

"Now what KING would I be if I send you, my Queen to those dungeons. I have a better punishment in mind for you",...Chris suddenly grabbed the baffled and angry Felix, placing him on his shoulder before facing Minho who just got back. "Your majesty, I've sent everyone at home including the Queens who seemed worried", Minho explained while looking at the fighting and kicking Felix on Chris's shoulder.

"Excuse me your Majesty, but where's my fiancé?", Minho asked concernedly. "Don't worry, no harm will befall him, his in the dungeon with the others....I'm sorry Minho, but do not forget he helped in this, but you can take him and Mrs. Lee out in the morning. Minho bowed to him before sadly looking at Felix's struggling body over Chris's shoulder.

"Your majesty, excuse my manners for asking, but where are you taking the Queen?", he asked nervously while Chris smirked at him, "I'm taking him where he belongs, to consummate our marriage", he stated before turning to leave with the screaming Felix on his shoulder who was scratching and hitting on him, while Minho felt nothing but sorrow for Felix. 

*To be continued....
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