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Pushing himself up in bed, Niall grunts rubbing his eyes with a soft groan, he hadn't awoken this early in a while. He yawns collapsing back onto his pillow huffing, his body craving more sleep. The sun had just barely begun its rise, he knew Harry always woke up with the sun and often went outside to watch it. 

Niall knew this because he would sneak into his master's room and cuddle with Zayn during the hours Harry would step away.

Today however he feels the need to snuggle back into his own blankets feening for the sense of security he once felt in the house.

Glancing to his right he sees Liam's figure still sleeping, his face toward him, Niall gasping as he sees the scratches that line Liam's cheek, the new slit in his eyebrow.

Moving from his bed he leaps to the other side of the room pulling Liam's covers back seeing his arms littered with scratches that looked freshly tended.

"Lee what did you do," he whispers taking the submissive's hand in his own, he traces the few light cuts he knew would leave scars on his pale arms, sitting on the bed still holding his arm he feels tears well in his eyes.

Without knowing, Niall knew Harry was the blame for this. He teased the boy about it but it was no secret he worshipped at Harry's feet and the man never returned the love. Niall used to feel jealous that Liam could bounce back like an abused puppy - he'd take a beating and beg for another if it meant Harry would hug him.

Niall however felt he couldn't handle one wrong look from Zayn without crumpling. He envied the submissive's strength.

The skip also tormented the submissive, he fell victim to Zayn's loathing of the submissive when in reality Liam had done nothing to him but protect the sanctity of his master's heart - his job. 

"I-I'm sorry," Niall mutters brushing hair from Liam's face, rising from the bed he leaving the boy to continue resting as he exits the room heading downstairs, if Harry of all people could find solace in watching the sunrise, perhaps he could too.

"I think you're starting to like this," Harry coos swaying with the skip in his arms, Louis rolls his eyes tucking closer to the man with a sigh, "Y-you're warm," he excuses shifting his head to watch the sun beginning to rise above the trees.

Harry was right, in the week and four days Louis had been there he was beginning to like this life. He could do without the pacifier, or being fed, and most definitely would forgo the baby talk - but he would admit to liking the cuddles. Harry always seemed to be up for those and gave the best ones.

The pair this morning are in the backyard watching the sunrise outside this time wrapped in a blanket. They're lost in the silence of the moment when the back door opening draws both their attention, Louis perks up hoping to see Liam scoffing when his eyes glaze Niall.

"What?" he gripes, Harry smacks his backside, "Don't be rude," he scolds, "We say good morning to our big brother," he insists, "Good Morning Nathan," Louis retorts, Harry bites his bottom lip suppressing a laugh as he again spanks Louis, "Niall, his name is Niall," 

The skip rolls his eyes, "Morning Lucifer," Harry snaps his look toward him, "Watch it," Niall lifts his hands in surrender, "I-I just wanted to see the sunrise," he mumbles taking a seat on a chair on the deck.

Harry bounces Louis attempting to redirect his boy back to their original plan, the skip not budging from his anger at the older skip he couldn't explain his immense disdain for. For the sake of his master, and favorite snuggler, Louis turns his head back to the sky with another sigh.

Letting his eyes flutter open, Liam stares at the ceiling wishing it would fall on him. He counts the seconds that he waits until he realizes that it isn't, and he has to move.

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