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Six Months Ago

April 1st, 6048

"T-they're not going to be mad?"

"My husband signed you too," Zayn retorts pulling into the driveway, Niall's breath hitching as he sees the mansion he'd be living in with his lover's husband and their submissive Zayn rarely said a good thing about.

"R-right," Niall whispers attempting to still his breathing, he digs his nails into his palms willing the car to slow yet wincing when it does. It meant he'd have to be leaving the safety of the leather interior, Niall shakily glanced at the man in the driver's seat, "R-ready?"

"As ever," Zayn muses pressing his lips to Niall's with a hum, "Harry will love you," the skip nods chewing his bottom lip, "A-and Lucas?"

"Liam," Zayn corrects, "What he thinks doesn't matter to me," he admits with an eye roll before opening the door.

Niall's dream of going home with Zayn, their hookups lasting longer than an hour and always in a foreign bed or place, didn't involve his husband or Liam - yet his reality apparently did. He bites back another fear of being unwelcomed, Zayn turning down the idea as if incredulous for Niall to even think it.

Grabbing his duffle bag from the backseat, Niall trails the man up the front stairs seeing the warm lights to what looked like a dining room, he sees the back of a man sitting at the head of a table speaking to someone in front of him.

Zayn opens the door, Jazz music muting the sound of Niall's exasperated breathing, he feels as if concrete had attached itself to his ankles as he pushes forward following the man to a larger opening that led to the dining room Niall had peaked into from outside.

His view looking in reminded him that he was the stranger here, and his tie to Zayn felt meaningless seeing two new sets of eyes peering at him wordlessly.

"Harry, Liam, this is Niall."

Harry, the tall one stands first, he had been speaking to Liam his tone sounded almost scoldingly, yet all traces of his anger vanished as he plastered a smile in tune with the music, "Hello Niall,"

The way a lion would watch its prey drink its last sip of water before pouncing is the only way Niall could describe the venomous way the man's jade sneer turned toward Liam his finger lifting commanding the boy to stand, "Say hello," he growls, Liam blurting out the word without missing a beat before resigning himself to silence.

Another Jazz tune begins, this time faster in tempo, Niall feels himself sway on his feet as he bids his own greeting to the pair, "H-Hello," 

"You're from Zayn's work?" Harry assumes gesturing to the open chair, Niall's throat goes dry at the question, he's unable to formulate an answer as he coughs propelling himself to the seat, Zayn clears his throat, "He is our new skip, Harry," he announces, the invitation to sit being revoked as the taller master laughs moving from his seat closer to Niall, "Oh is he?" he presses on with smirk, Niall feels sweat bead in his hairline unsure if this was his way of teasing.

Forcing himself to swallow, Niall wanted the ground below to give when the master chuckled again glancing at the submissive in the room, "Liam, fetch a bottle of wine for our guest," he stresses the last word locking eyes with Zayn, a terrifying glare on his sharp features, the music increasing in speed as he steps toward him an accusing finger stretched out, "You know I loathe surprises," 

The not-so-well-hidden threat in his tone brings a gulp from Niall that backs away from the pair's intensity, Zayn barks out a laugh taking his husband's hands in his own forcing him to dance with him, "And I loathe jazz," Harry lifts an eyebrow, "Liam picked it,"

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