Attack on Onigashima Finale: The Demon King's Dream

Start from the beginning

"A lot like your Father I'd say." said Nobunaga with a sneer. 

Sephirah froze and smirked coldly. "Ah.. so I take it you know who I am now.."

"It took only a few moments of your disgustingly moral rant for me to figure out your game." said Nobunaga. "Sephiroth's Rogue Daughter, seemingly collecting a ragtag group of outcasts for some unknown purpose.. and taking great interest in this Benimaru look-a-like eh? Please, as if you know what its like to hold this RAGE.."

Nobunaga closed her eyes for a moment and gritted her teeth as veins seemed to pop on the back of her gloves and her pupils narrowed to dots, her teeth gritted like predatory fangs.. steam seeming to hiss from her very breath and anger. 

"Do you know how I've tried to be FREE of this ANGER!? FOR HIS FUCKING SAKE!?" Nobunaga screamed. "YOU'LL ALL BURN FOR LECTURING ME ON HATRED!! BURN LIKE FUCKING HONNOJI!!"

Nobunaga raised a hand, and rifles aimed at the sky. "THREE LINE FORMATION!!!"

Ben froze. The same move that had nearly killed everyone in an instant, using that mirror in the sky.. 

Nobunaga's energy exploded towards the heavens, zooming far into the heavens until...


Nobunaga's eyes widened with shock as she stared up at the sky. "What.. the.. fuck?! What happened!? NOBUKATSU REPORT!? Nobukatsu!?"

Nobunaga pressed a finger to the earwig in her right ear, but apparently she got no response because she tore it out and crushed it under her boot. "DAMNIT!!"

thousands of miles above the clouds in orbit.. EVA Omega hovered on rocket boosters igniting from its back like blue flames, wreckage of the mirror satelite sparking all around in zero gravity as the giant armored Evangelion rubbed its shoulder sorely. 

"That.. security system.. fucking sucked." Asuka grunted inside her cockpit. "HEY! Mordred ya read me? We're good.."

Down on the ground, Nobunaga raised her hands, and multiple rifles pointed themselves at Ben, Sephirah, Cloud, Hanzo and the near unconscious Tomoe. 

"None of you.. deserve life.. Humans.. Onis.. aliens? Forget it all..  You're viruses.. INFECTIONS in this kingdom! GET OUT OF MY SHOGUNATE!!!!" Nobunaga screamed. 

It happened almost instantly, and Ben probably would have been completely vaporized before he could even react if Sephirah hadn't grabbed him by the shoulder and whipped him behind her while she hurled her blade out and cleaved the giant blast of light apart. 

Blasts radiated across the entirety of the invasion force behind the group as Sephirah split the attack... killing members of Hanzo's Rebels and Nobunaga's army alike, causing complete dissarray. 

"She's cutting off our access to reinforcements!" Cloud yelled as he launched himself back, holding Tomoe close.

"Take her and get out!" Hanzo growled. 


"We got Sephirah, you're tired from fighting already!" said Hanzo. "Get back to Mordred and tell her what's going on!"

"Tsk, no time to argue I guess!" Cloud growled as he carried Tomoe away. 

Nobunaga let out a ferocious barrage of blasts as Hanzo leapt next to Ben as Sephirah continued to once again, move her blade at ferocious speeds, repelling multiple Noble Phantasm beams as green Omni pulsated over her. 

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