|| Deception ||

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♪ - yes & no - XYLØ - ♪

You look around warily, Alastor had brought you down a series of long, weaving tunnels with little light to guide you.

He eventually stops and sighs as you trip over yet another divot in the rubbled flooring.

"Come here" he motions, holding out his hand to you.

"Sorry..." you mumble, taking his hand and weaving your fingers through his.

He smirks slightly "No trouble at all, my dear. We all have our weaknesses, yours is apparently walking"

You roll your eyes "Piss off, it's not my fault I can't see anything down here"

Alastor chuckles quietly before pulling you forward once more until you reach a clearing in the tunnels, several exits surround you, all leading to who knows where.

"Where are we...?" you narrow your eyes "you didn't bring me here to kill me, right? At least do it somewhere nicer-"

He scoffs "Dearest do you really think so low of me? When I kill you it shall be a grand ordeal"

"Wow, thanks" You huff out, slightly offended still hadn't dropped the idea of killing you "So what is it?"

"This is where Overlords meet when they need to discuss matters without prying eyes or ears" Alastor's ears flick, as if nervous "So be a good doe and don't tell anybody about this"

"Sure" you nod, as if you have anyone to tell except Angel...but then, the spider did like to talk, so maybe the Radio Demon did have a valid point.

"So who were you meeting?" you ask.

Alastor is quiet for a moment "Zestial, he wanted to discuss the matter of yourself"



You grit your teeth, why did he have to make getting any information so difficult?

"And...?" you prompt.

"And it was private" Alastor's sharp teeth glint in the small amount of light protruding from a nearby exit.

You sigh "Everything is fucking private with you, Al"

"Well it wasn't just about you, dearest. We also had the small matter of the imbalance between Heaven and Hell to discuss"

You nod slightly. That would make sense, the Overlords must be worried their power might slip through their claws. You had no doubt Alastor was especially concerned, his power relied on souls and if that were to be disrupted...you couldn't imagine how pissed off that would make him.

Breathing a sigh of relief, you smile slightly at the Radio Demon.

"Thank you...for being honest with me"

He nods, not meeting your eyes "Of course, my dear, your trust is very important to me"

You couldn't shake the feeling that he wasn't being entirely truthful with you...but it all added up, why he had left in the middle of the night, who he was with...you had no reason not to believe him, right?

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