|| Regret || *

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- Sinner - DEZI -

A knock at your door causes you to wake. You groan and bury your face deeper into your pillow.

"Y/N, baby, it's me" Angel calls. He doesn't wait for a response and the door opens.

You worm your hand out from under the covers and flip him off. He chuckles.

"That's not gonna stop me takin' care of you" he slaps your hand away and you mumble incoherent complaints "C'mon, I've got food" he coaxes, gently pulling the covers away from you.

You curl into a tighter ball "No. I am never moving. If I move that poor carpet is going to be desiccated with my insides"

Angel grimaces "That's absolutely lovely and all but" He grabs your shoulders gently and sits you upright. You immediately clutch onto him, the world still spinning.

"Angel" You groan between gritted teeth "Can a girl please just be left in peace in this place for two fuckin seconds"

"Afraid not, toots, we do a thing called caring- it's kinda bullshit but" he shrugs, placing a glass with of a mixed concoction into your hand "made me get up early and make you my special hangover cure"

"There's no such thing" you scrunch your nose and slowly open your eyes, staring down at the green drink "That looks like someone's pissed in a cup, Ang"

He ruffles your hair, careful not to move you too much "Just drink it. As much of it as you can"

You cautiously raise the cup to your lips, immediately regretting your choices. You gulp down the mixture, you weren't about to ask why it was so...slimy. Within a few seconds your stomach lurches. You cover your mouth quickly and sprint to the en-suite bathroom, shoving open the door and throwing your head down the toilet.

You briefly lift your head to glare at Angel, leant against the doorframe "What the-" you gag "fuck."

Angel grins "I never said it would make you feel better. But it sure does get the alcohol out of your system"

After what felt like hours of a brutal toilet exorcism, you and Angel return to your bed. He hands you a plate of toast and you grab at it eagerly.

"So...What happened last night?" he questions

You pause your chewing momentarily, grimacing "I can't even remember all of it, which makes it so much worse, Ang" Visions of you in Alastor's arms, the things you said to him, literally stripping behind him. You'd given him enough ammo for a lifetime and that would be a very long existence in hell.

"That bad, huh?"

"I called him a loser. A fucking loser, and then let him carry me to my bedroom and I literally buried my head in his jacket, Angel. His. Jacket. Because I thought he smelled nice in my stupid drunk mind" You place your hands over your face "Not to mention I think I was trying to seduce him" 

Angel chokes on a bite of toast "You did what?"

"When we got in here, I decided my best option would be to strip. Naked. But I couldn't even do that right" You stare accusingly at the stray shorts, next to where Alastor stood hours before "I couldn't get my stupid fucking shorts off. I said huzzah, Angel. Who the fuck says huzzah"

Angel attempts to cover his amusement. A pitiful attempt, because within a few seconds he is on his back, gasping for air between laughs "You fuckin'- oh my god, Y/N"

"Shut up!" You throw a stray toast crust at him "You're telling me you didn't say anything embarrassing to Husk"

"Of fuckin' course I did" Angel rolls his eyes "But Husk isn't an overlord...presently, anyway"

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