|| Truth ||

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- Tennis Court - Lorde -

After a week at the hotel you're starting to settle into a routine, it's definitely not as painful as you expected, but it was still odd not waking to one of the V's screaming at you for something.

You walk into the foyer, eyes widening at the display. Colourful streamers, confetti, balloons and a giant sign strapped above the bar, saying 'HAPPY FIRST WEEK, Y/N!'. You're about to turn and quickly make your way back to your room, not wanting to draw attention. However, this plan doesn't match Charlie's and she pops up behind you.

"Y/N! Do you like the sign?" She beams "I made it myself! I think we should celebrate the day with some trust exercises, what do you say?"

You find it hard to say no to her, who is realistically going to say no to the princess of hell?

Nodding, you place a fake smile on your lips "Sound great, Charl"

She squeals and hugs you "Yes yes yes! I knew you'd be up for it. Vaggie said you wouldn't but I knew" she grins "It's so nice to have someone interested in actually getting better"

"Yep, that's me!" You try to match her enthusiasm but your tone falls flat. Charlie is too busy babbling about your itinerary for the day she doesn't notice. You'd just about had your fill of group activities for the week, but you couldn't let her know that you had absolutely no intention of being redeemed. You just needed a way out of the V's grasp for a little while.

Charlie leads you into a cozy room with a few couches and a fireplace. You'd never seen this one before, but that was probably because the hotel had thousands of rooms and she liked to mix up which one you did each kind of exercise in. It was her new thing, apparently it was supposed to make you hold onto the 'good memories' in each room. The only good memory you had so far was Nifty jumping on Husk and nearly knocking him out on a hugging exercise a few days prior. You and Angel had nearly pissed yourselves laughing. Husk, on the other hand, did not find it funny.

"Take a seat" Charlie gestures to the room filled with the patrons. There was only one missing today; the irritating red deer.

You take your usual seat next to Angel, mumbling to him "Do we get a day off from this?"

He laughs quietly, and pats your leg "Afraid not, toots, apparently cleansing your soul takes work"

You sigh heavily and lean against him, readying yourself for two hours of forced positive attitude.

"Today we will be doing a truth exercise" Charlie announces to the room "We're going to go around in a circle and telling everyone a secret that you've never told anyone else"

"Isn't that an evasion of privacy?" a voice pops up.

"Yeah! I don't need these assholes knowin' what I get up to" Another agrees.

Vaggie quickly stands and takes a place behind Charlie, hands on her hips "You've all done a lot worse than spilling some shitty secrets, so get the fuck on with it" she glowers at you all "Husk, you're up"

"I'm not even tryin' to get redeemed, I'm forced to be here" he protests, crossing his arms. A glare from Vaggie makes him scowl.

"Fine. I sold my soul to Alastor"

You scoff "Everyone knows that, Husk"

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