Chapter Sixteen

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When I emphasized the necessity for a discussion, Eladan's relentless barrage against Kallus abruptly ceased upon catching wind of my words

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When I emphasized the necessity for a discussion, Eladan's relentless barrage against Kallus abruptly ceased upon catching wind of my words.

He extinguished his hand and advanced towards us, his crimson eyes ablaze with a contemptuous sneer. "A fucking discussion?" he spat incredulously. "Your mate and his pack have razed my home, and you speak of 'talking'?"

"Do not speak to my mate like that!" Zeph's voice boomed, as he swiftly moved in front of me, shielding me with a fierce growl.

Mind you, still naked.

Eladan inched menacingly closer to Zeph, his hands clenched into tight fists from which flickering flames danced. "I'll act as I please, mutt! You may be an Alpha, but I am a demon of esteemed rank. Sending you to the abyss would be child's play for me," he growled with a chilling intensity.

Zeph responded with a low, threatening chuckle, goading Eladan further as he flexed his knuckles. "Oh, how I would relish witnessing your feeble attempt."

Kallus and Atel positioned themselves on either side of Zeph, ready to pounce on the demon at their Alpha's command.

The growls of the three lycans echoed menacingly in the still evening air, their primal aggression palpable. Eladan's fingers twitched, poised to conjure fiery orbs to hurl at them. The rest of the pack held back, a low rumble of anticipation in their throats as they edged closer, prepared to protect their Alpha at any cost.

"Enough! All of you will shut up and behave yourselves!"

My voice thundered through the trees, a forceful command cutting through the tension. Surprisingly potent and authoritative, my words reverberated with an unseen power that seemed to quell the brewing confrontation.

Stunned silence enveloped them all.

The wolf features faded from the lycans in an instant, and Eladan's hands ceased to be engulfed in flames.

My eyes widened in disbelief. What on earth just transpired?

Each of the four figures stood before me, their eyes fixed on mine, motionless as if under a spell. A creeping sense of fear snaked its way up my spine. Taking a hesitant step backward, my entire body trembled as genuine terror settled deep in the pit of my stomach.

"What. . . what was that?" I stammered, utterly horrified.

The surge of power I had felt was akin to ripples spreading through water, emanating from within me and extending far into the distance.

My body quivered uncontrollably, the erratic thumping of my heart reverberating through my chest until it drummed in my ears, and I noticed a scattering of inky shadows clouding my vision.

"K'lani," Zeph's voice reached me like a delicate breeze, though it seemed distant and faint. "K'lani, sweetheart, focus on my words. Breathe in slowly."

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