Chapter Five

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His trousers glided down his legs, unveiling his impressive cock that stood proudly before me

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His trousers glided down his legs, unveiling his impressive cock that stood proudly before me.

My gaze was magnetically drawn to him, anticipation crackling in the air as I moistened my lips in eager readiness for the pleasure that beckoned.

With a commanding presence, he positioned himself above me, his sinewy arms creating a protective frame around my head as he guided himself toward the entrance of my core. A subtle shift of my hips welcomed his advance, and I encircled his waist with my legs for stability, extending them outward in a silent invitation.

Locked in a gaze that spoke volumes, he entered me with deliberate slowness, each inch a symphony of tantalizing ecstasy.

The sharp intake of breath between us mingled with the scent of desire as I adjusted to his size, a blend of discomfort and yearning intertwining within me.

His movements were both purposeful and gentle, his lips finding mine in a kiss that was both a distraction and an intensifier of our connection.

Despite not being new to such encounters, my body trembled with the novel sensation enveloping it. It took a fleeting moment for me to fully accommodate him, every inch pushing me deeper into a realm of euphoric surrender.

"You feel exquisite, sweetheart," Zeph growled as he broke the kiss, his breath hot against my ear. "So tight."

With deliberate slowness, he eased further into me, each movement calculated to ensure my readiness.

A flicker of uncertainty darted through me - was this tightness a desirable trait? His consideration for my pleasure was foreign; no one had ever taken such care to prepare me before.

Unintentionally, my body tensed at his words, betraying my inner turmoil.

Sensing my unease, Zeph halted and playfully nipped at my ear when met with silence instead of a moan.

Startled, I turned to him, questioning his actions with a hoarse voice."Why did you do that?" I demanded.

"Concentrate," he snapped, his voice cutting through the air like a sharp blade. "Your wandering thoughts could lead to trouble. Relax your muscles, or you might inadvertently tense up around me."

"I-I'm sorry," I stammered.

He chuckled softly. "No need for that. I only want to keep you safe."

I nodded in silent agreement.

"Are you prepared now?" His tone softened.

"Yes," I affirmed.

"Good girl."

With a purposeful thrust, he filled me completely until every inch of him was sheathed within me. Then, he began a rhythm of short, deliberate movements.

My cries reverberated in the room, my fingers digging into his shoulders as I arched towards him, craving a deeper connection.

With closed eyes, I felt his warm breath teasing my ear, his nose nuzzling my neck as he thrust with increasing intensity. Each movement hit me just right, igniting an inexplicable pleasure that surged through me.

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