Chapter Ten

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Zeph released Kallus, a victorious glint in his eyes as he licked his chops

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Zeph released Kallus, a victorious glint in his eyes as he licked his chops.

With a satisfied huff, he pushed himself up off Kallus and shook out his fur, the remnants of the intense battle still clinging to him.

As I observed the aftermath of the fight, a wave of unease washed over me at the sight of blood staining both wolves' fur and the deep gashes on Kallus' hind end and belly.

The violence I had witnessed was unlike anything I had ever seen before, and despite Atel's encouragement for me to watch, I now found myself regretting it deeply. The sheer power exuded by Zeph left me feeling anxious and unsettled.

Although the mate bond ensured that fear didn't grip me, an undeniable sense of intimidation lingered in my mind as I grappled with conflicting emotions toward Zeph. Our acquaintance was still in its infancy, yet the influence of the mate bond on my feelings was unmistakable.

Without it, I realized that fear would have consumed me entirely in Zeph's presence.

My tension escalated when Zeph turned his intense gaze towards me.

Involuntarily, I inhaled sharply and felt an instinctual urge to flee. Despite this inner turmoil, I stood my ground as he approached me, each step cautious as if sensing my apprehension. I wished the ground would swallow me whole, and teleport me somewhere away, but it did not, and I had to accept that.

A low rumble vibrated through Zeph's chest as he drew nearer, but instead of inciting fear, it oddly eased the tension coiled within me—a testament to the power of our mate bond. Even in his wolf form, Zeph's imposing stature loomed over me; his shoulders reaching nearly chest height on me.

With deliberate movements, Zeph closed the distance between us until only a few feet separated us. His snout extended towards me with ears perked forward as he blinked slowly, maintaining an unwavering focus on me.

Zeph grumbled impatiently as I hesitated. Uncertain of his expectations, I shot him a puzzled glance, silently admitting my inability to converse in wolf language.

Atel's laughter resonated from a distance behind me. "He wants you to pet him," he chuckled, unraveling the mystery in my mind.

Zeph turned his head towards Atel with a low growl, his lips curling menacingly upward. Atel's amusement persisted, albeit more subdued this time. "Sorry, he's asking for your touch. Seems 'petting' isn't dignified enough for our Alpha," he quipped.

A flush crept up my cheeks at the thought of petting Zeph. The word 'touching' felt cruder in comparison. As my mind wandered to forbidden desires, imagining Zeph's hands exploring my skin intimately, a wave of heat washed over me.

Zeph's nostrils flared and his gaze darkened further, if that was even conceivable. Stiffening, I attempted to banish the sinful fantasies clouding my thoughts.

Struggling to form coherent words, I stumbled over my speech and tensed my muscles involuntarily.

Zeph emitted a deep growl before nudging into me with his massive head, pressing against my chest. Though taken aback by the unexpected weight, I regained balance and gripped onto tufts of his fur for support.

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