Chapter Six

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Sunlight filtered through the blinds, painting my eyelids with golden hues

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Sunlight filtered through the blinds, painting my eyelids with golden hues. With a groan, I roused myself from sleep, shaking off the remnants of slumber.

As consciousness seeped in, tender lips brushed against my bare shoulder, sending a jolt of fear through me.

Gasping, I snapped my eyes open to find Zeph's concerned gaze fixed on me.

"Easy there, K'lani," his voice was a soothing whisper as he held me close, calming my racing heart and shallow breaths. "Deep breaths, sweetheart. Just breathe."

I relaxed into his embrace, relief flooding over me as I realized it was him.

Meeting his eyes, I noticed how he had positioned us so he loomed protectively beside me.

"I forgot you were here," I admitted shakily.

Zeph's chuckle held a mixture of concern and amusement. "You were deeply asleep; it's understandable. Are you feeling better now?"

I nodded slowly. "Yes, thank you."


He nuzzled into my neck, his heartbeat echoing against my back as a tangible reassurance amidst my lingering unease.

"Do you know what time it is?" I asked softly, twirling the edge of my blanket while reveling in his comforting presence.

"Sometime in the morning," he replied simply.

As thoughts of our impending departure crept in, uncertainty clouded my mind. How would Jeremah react to our bond? Would he resist despite the undeniable proof?

A seed of dubiety sprouted in my mind, whispering that perhaps Zeph had orchestrated this entire situation to deceive me. What if I was merely a pawn in his game, destined to be abandoned while he reveled in his cunning victory, walking away from the village with a smirk playing on his lips?

"K'lani," Zeph's voice sliced through the charged atmosphere, a warning laced with an undercurrent of intensity.

My heart raced in response, caught off guard by the sudden shift in his tone.

"What?" I managed to squeak out, feeling as though he could somehow delve into my innermost thoughts.

"I may not hear your thoughts," he clarified, his voice low and steady. Turning within the circle of his arms, I shot him an exasperated look. "But I can feel your emotions through the bond we share. Like an invisible thread connecting us, allowing me to sense your every feeling and understand your unspoken words."

"Really? You can?" I raised an eyebrow in disbelief.

My skepticism lingered in the air between us. How could a mere bond reveal my deepest musings based solely on my emotional state?

"Yes," Zeph affirmed with a hint of hurt creeping into his expression. In one swift motion, he rose from where we sat, withdrawing his arm from beneath me before slamming it against the wall beside my bed. "You are questioning whether I meticulously crafted this entire scheme solely to deceive you."

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