Chapter 11: 13 going on 15

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"People are full of pretty words with empty meanings."


 "Okay, So I'll go some food and...Yup. I'm gonna go get the...Yeah," Lorenzo said walking out of the room.

He came back litreally second later sadly. I was hoping to relax and enjoy my time.

He came with a backpack and he was wearing a hoodie. Wtf? He looks like a teenager or like 20 not... Ah shit, I forgot his age. I have trouble remembering shit.

I never really looked looked at Mr perfect. I fucking look like him except the uglier version.

Mr Perfect has perfect hair. It was dark brown (exactly like mine) not that I know because I never look in the mirror. He had my eyes....well technically I have eyes but who cares?

Mr Perfect swung his backpack over his perfect muscles(ugh?). Why the hell does he have so much muscle?

"How old are you, again?" He looks like a fucking 20 year old and I think I'm 13 since all my classmates are thirteen. Ugh, I hated them.

That would mean Mr Perfect had a kid when he was seven.

Mr perfect smile. How the hell is his teeth so white? Does he brush it every single day of his life?

After smiling (perfectly) he cheekily grinned and left the door. Seriously who's the parent here?

I followed him like a dog (again). There were about eight other rooms and this was only the first floor...

There was this huge staircase which was a pain ina the ass (literally) to climb.

The house was like those dark Pinterest aesthetics but I could barely see anything. It was dark and Mr. Perfect was using his perfect flashlight on his phone instead of the lights.

We got out of the house finally and you'll never guess what was there? A huge distance from the house to the gate. Why would anyone do that? Why is there a big ass water fountain? How is that practical? Ugh, rich people.

Mr Perfec went to the side of the house and then underground like an earthworm. There's a garage. Why are there so many cars? I don't know shit about cars but I overheard the stupid kids in my class talking. They were all different colors, some even had patterns. It was too dark to see. Why the fuck is he using a flashlight. All these Lamborghini's and other over proved cars and he can't afford light.

Mr. Perfect opened the door for me. Damn, no one's ever opened the door for me... because I have hands. 

I climbed in, feeling the leather seat beneath me. It was cold, like sitting on a block of ice. Mr. Perfect slid into the driver's seat, his posture relaxed and confident. Perfect, perfect blah blah but seriously who has good posture?

He tossed the backpack in the back, removed his hoodie, and then started the engine, the sound rumbling through the quiet night air (sorry neighbors).

"Seatbelt," he said, his voice calm but authoritative and annoying. I rolled my eyes and put on the stupid seat belt. I glared at him but the asshole just chuckled in response. Ugh.

His hoodie was gone so I could see, not that I wanted to, a long scar on his entire arm or at least I think (the short-sleeved shirt was blocking it). It looked like a surgery scar but I wasn't too sure.

"So did you guess?" Lorenzo said driving the car out of the garage.

"Guess what?" I looked at him and he had that stupid smirk on his face.

"My age." Oh, Why did I even ask that question?


"So close." He said smirking. Why is he smirking? There should be a sign like how you don't text and drive. How about don't smirk and drive?

"Didn't you already ask me that same question?" He was still smirking. Ugh.


"29." This time he never smirked. He grinned.

"So you had a kid when you were sixteen? Not very....nice" Yeah I couldn't find a better word. Why the hell am I nervous? I have nothing to be nervous about.

"Seventeen, actually. You're really great at math." Mr perfect said grinning. Fuck did I do the math wrong? No! I didn't! Asshole!

"29-13 is sixteen not seventeen. I'm great at Math." I said rolling my eyes. I expected him to give me a cheeky grin but he looked shocked and...angry. Wtf? What happened to the playful Lorenzo? He took a deep breath.

"How old do you think you are?" Fuck! 


Lorenzo scoffed and shook his head.

"She didn't even bother to tell you how old you are." Lorenzo rolled his eyes and swallowed his throat.

"When's your birthday?" He removed one hand from the steering wheel (bad driver) and rubbed his temples. I would have given some sarcastic response but he looked calm. Bad calm.

"I don't know," I whispered. 

"You don't know?" he repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"Yes," I gritted out. Every time I told a teacher that I didn't know my birthday they would I'm lying and try to call my mother no matter how much I begged. She never used to answer the call she was too busy getting high but once when I was I think 10 or 9 she answered and she got mad. She threw boiling water on me and we had to go to the hospital but she was too cheap so she found a 'doctor' and brought him to our house. Let's just say it wasn't nice since then I always gave a fake date.

"You're not thirteen." For the first time, his face was just blank.

"I'm twelve?" Ugh.

"No you're 14 and you're going to turn 15 on the 28th of October." 


"Yeah..." Lorenzo seemed in deep deep thought. I didn't know why I did what I did next.

"When's your birthday?" Why did I start the conversation? He was nicely sitting there driving in silence but I just had to open my stupid mouth.

"I'm not telling you." He tried to make it sound playful...

I rolled my eyes. Seriously, what was the big deal about telling me his birthday? It's not like I was planning a surprise party or anything. Plus, it's not like I cared that much. It's a normal question.

No, Why would he tell anything to me I'm just a stranger. Besides, I don't tell him things so I can expect him to tell me stuff.

Lorenzo pulled over to a place in the wood. I don't know it was very dark he got out and I did the same. Yeah, no way he's opening the door for me again. Lorenzo removed the backpack from the car. I can hear the crickets chirping how is this not creepy?

There were trees and more trees. I don't know I was just mindlessly following Lorenzo. Is this even safe? What if a wild bear jumps on me? 

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