Chapter 3: Father's Brothers

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"We should get going. The police told me that you've not stopped by your old house so we could stop there if you wanted to collect some things. If you want?"

I nodded.


Ezra. That name sounds boring, just like him. We were about to leave the police station when Steven stopped me, but Mr. Boring didn't bother to intervene (shockingly). He just stood there, watching us like the Statue of Liberty.

Steven cleared his throat nervously. "Uh, Alex, wait. Before you go..."

I turned to face him. What now? Another lecture? Another reminder of how messed up my life was?

But instead of scolding me or offering some useless advice, Steven hesitated for a moment before speaking. "Just... take care of yourself, okay? And if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."

"I will" I nodded. Okay I was being a spoilt brat before but I really didn't want to deal with humans

We left the police station and Mr Boring here had 5 fucking cars. Has he heard of Global Warming?

As we approached the car, I couldn't help but feel a pang of envy twist in my gut. The vehicle was a sleek black sedan, its shiny exterior gleaming under the sunlight. It looked like something straight out of a luxury car commercial. I never had a cycle or anything my stupid bitch of a mother kept me locked away in the stupid cupboard. She might have stolen that idea from Harry fucking Potter. 

Ezra unlocked the car with a press of a button on his key fob (rich people can't they just use a car key!) the sound echoing in the quiet street. He definitely woke up the poor people sleeping on the street with his stupid fancy-ass key fob. I couldn't stop the sarcastic reply that slipped out of my mouth. 

"Nice ride. Does it come with a personal butler too?"

He shot me a sideways glance. "Haha very Funny," he replied flatly as he opened the passenger door for me. Oh, look! Such a gentleman.

As we drove, I couldn't help but steal glances at him. He looked like he belonged in one of those perfume ads, all sharp jawlines and expensive cologne. I bet he never had to worry about where his next meal was coming from or whether he'd have a place to sleep at night or try and get supplies just to clean your wounds.

I glanced down at my worn-out sneakers and threadbare jeans. What did he know about struggle? About pain? About being abandoned by the people who were supposed to love you?

Here Mr Boring was, driving around in his fancy car, living his perfect little life, while I was left to fend for myself in a world that didn't give a damn about me.

We are near my old shabby neighborhood.

"How did you know where to go?" I was curious what other information did he get about me

"The police told me"

I scoffed. "Of course they did," I muttered under my breath. Trust the cops to stick their noses where they don't belong.

We pulled up to the bitches house. The neighborhood was shabby people smoked pot got high and all that shit but even then out of all the house. The bitches was the worst. Mr Boring here was looking at me and I clenched my fists. Great! He's going to judge me too just like everyone else.

I got out of the car, slamming the door behind me with more force than necessary. I hated this place. I ran to the stupid house got my phone headphones and Icouldnt take my gun cause we were going to the airport. I went back outside. 

"Got everything you need?" Mr. Boring asked, his tone is surprisingly gentle and as always boring. The way he said it made me think he cared about me but I knew it was fake it was always fake

I nodded. We drove to the airport and I just shut my eyes and listened to music. Music makes me feel numb and most people say that feeling something is better than nothing well fuck them. They don't know the feeling you get in your chest when you have to run from your mother and the assholes she sells me off to. They don't know what it feels like to drown and hope that you don't ever wake up.

Ezra had a fucking private plane. How rich could these people get? If they had so much money why did he abandon me? Bitch said that my father abandoned me but she lies. She always does. I hope she was lying when she said that but that would be impossible who would actually want me?

The plane was lavish blah blah. Fuck I love being on a plane. The sky looks so much clearer up there like all the bullshit down on the ground didn't matter anymore. I fell asleep and the last thing I remember thinking was please don't have a nightmare

Someone gently shook me. Oh shit! I forgot to get the bitch is going t—

"Hey you fell asleep but we landed I would have carried you but I have you feeling you would punch me so..." It's just Ezra. She's not here. He's not here. They're dead.

I followed Mr Boring here I wanted to ask him questions but another part of me didn't want to give him the satisfaction of knowing I cared. I do care. I'll always care and it will always bite me back.

We got into a different car this time with 5 cars following. People I have found the cause of global warming. I hope UV rays harm him. That was mean. Correction I hope that his cars get harmed by UV rays.

Ezra tried to make conversation but I just pretended to not hear him. It's not like I wanted to snap at him. Every time I try to be better feel shitty so I just don't try at all. I'm numb to certain things now Im numb to the pain in my ribs. They might be broken but I just don't care. If anything I would break my ribs further just to end everything. Is it worth it; Living? Hell, I wasn't even living I just had to be a punching bag and cook and clean so what's the point? What's the point of it all? I'm exhausted all the time physically and mentally and I want to sleep so bad but I never get peaceful sleep. We drove past streets but I was too tired to see them. My vision's getting a bit blurry 

"Okay. We're here"

I blinked, trying to focus on my surroundings as we came to a stop. The blurry shapes outside gradually sharpened. We were parked outside a building, but my mind was too foggy to register where exactly we were.

"Where is here?" I mumbled, my voice hoarse from disuse and screaming.

"We're at your new home," Ezra replied, his tone gentle, almost cautious. Ugh, I'm not a china doll.

New home? What the hell was he talking about? I didn't have a home. I didn't belong anywhere.

I pushed open the car door and stumbled out, my legs wobbly beneath me. Ezra caught my arm, steadying me. I wanted to shake him off, to stand on my own, but I was too weak, too drained.

I don't remember what happened but I know Ezra dragged me to a bed.

"Welcome home, Alex," Ezra whispered, and the way he said it made me feel like he actually wanted to be around me.

Home. Could this be home? Or was it just another temporary stop, another place to crash until I wore out my welcome?

Pretty sure I passed out on the very comfy bed.


So *nervously laughs*

How was it? 

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