Chapter 8: Rules

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He defended me and played the angel.

He never made me trust him

I was foolish to trust him

I'm not gonna make that mistake twice

I never said anything I just had my food and went upstairs. 


"This attitude comes from pain"


"Since when the fuck do you care when people eat food with their mouth Luc" Nate asked. Nate was fuming. Al had just come home and they were lecturing him on how to eat.

"It's bad manners" Lucian replied with a shrug. 

"Right because you care so much about manners"

Ez would have scolded both of those idiots but he had something more important on his mind. Alex. He didn't even know what to expect when Leo said he found him. He didn't expect Al to be that same toddler that would annoy the hell out of him when he was trying to study. Ez would always shoo Al away when he wanted to play because he was busy studying. He never thought he would miss when Al would annoy him to death. 

"Ez-Ez you alive?" Nate asked with a frown

" Yeah" Ez mumbled 

"Great! Can you tell these obnoxious retarded idiots who fail to understand simple co—" Nate didn't get a chance to say anymore as Lucian cut in sharply.

"Watch it, Nate. We're not in the mood for your nonsense today," Lucian snapped. He was annoyed and he didn't even know why. 

Leo walked into a room where Ez was in another world and the rest of the idiots were arguing which was weird because Ez hates it when they argue while eating. They all know that's complete bullshit. Ez just hates it when they argue.

Leo blinked twice then he rolled his eyes.


Alex was done. Why are people so cruel?  Why couldn't everything stop? Why couldn't his heart stop beating? Why couldn't his mind stop thinking? 

What comes after death? Religion is something he never believed in but what would come after death? Would it be peaceful? What if he

"Al?" Leo walked into his room. It wasn't his room anymore he couldn't bear to even open his own room. 

Every time Leo would step in he would always expect Al to be there shouting at him for not coming home earlier. Leo is a work alcoholic but Al used to hate it when he would come home late and used to not fall asleep if his 'daddy' was not there. Leo would come home get into their bed wait till Al was asleep and then start working. He would only start working when Al was asleep because he didn't want Al to be disturbed.

Leo couldn't shake the feeling of guilt when he looked at Al. When Al was younger he looked a bit like Leo you could tell they were related but now Al looked like a carbon copy of Leo but the way Al looked at Leo...

"What?" Al snapped his heart was beating fast. He hated it when anyone tried to surprise him. He was always alert trying to remember some stupid thing they wanted. Surprises always ended up with him begging for anyone to kill him. The pain was too much he wasn't strong so why pretend he is 

"Nothing" Leo replied swallowing the lump in his throat.

"Don't pretend like you care," Al was sick of it. He didn't need anyone fake pity in the end people only care about themselves nothing else 

Leo's jaw tightened but he took a deep breath and calmed down "I didn't have a choice, Al. Your mother—"

"My mother? The one you left me with don't give me that bullshit again" Al hated even thinking he was alive because of her. Al hated his mother for many reasons one was for giving birth to him. Everyone thinks his mother is an angel but Al knows the truth the worst is Jack who everyone thinks is an angel even Al until that night when Al realised that the worst people who hurt you are your friends or in his care your stepfather.

Leo was hurt and frustrated. "You think I wanted to leave you?" he retorted, his voice rising. "I searched for you for years, Al! I didn't 'abandon' you!"

All those nights Leo would forget to even eat or sleep. Leo forgot how to take care of himself again. How could he take care of himself when the person he loved was gone because of him? How could he even sleep knowing that Al might not even be alive? The same Al who would force him to play with him 

"Do you know how absurd that sounds? 'Yeah I'm sorry but it's not my fault I never abandoned you your mother kidnapped you" Al was mad but his tone was empty and emotionless. 

"Al I-I.." Leo didn't even know what to say. What did he even expect?

"You what?" Al said calmly.

"Why am I here?" Al asked. He refused to believe Leo's explanation. All the beatings, the pain, and the torture could have all been avoided if only...

Leo knew he shouldn't get annoyed but how couldn't he? 

"Do you know how absurd—" Leo stopped himself but it was too late. He blurted out that 

"You know what's absurd? Getting dragged to the police station at three in the morning and being shipped off like a fucking Amazon package to another country to live with a bunch of strangers, leaving everything. Guess what? I didn't ask for you—a stranger— to take me in like a lost puppy." 

Al was mad. He just wanted a break. He didn't trust Leo. How could he trust a stranger? Even if that stranger is your long-lost father— he was still nothing more than a stranger but in a way isn't everyone stranger?

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