Chapter 2: My Father's Brother

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Fuck. Fuck. Fucity Fuck. 

My dumbass brain finally woke up. I have a brother or a maybe brother. That means I have a fucking family.

I have one question for my dear family you I never knew existed.


Am I angry? Fuck yeah!

'Where were they while I was getting beaten to a pulp? Were they when I needed them? Where were they when I was crying myself to sleep waiting for someone to save me? Where were they while my mother and stepfather were beating the shi—'

"Okay, so my mistake you don't have any brothers" Steven who was apparently my social worker came in looking happy as fuck. Why the hell is this dude always happy?

Wait. What? I don't have a brother. Why do I  feel... empty? I wasn't even looking forward to it. 

I wasn't expecting anything. I've spent so long fending for myself, convincing myself that I didn't need anyone else and I don't. So why does the thought of having a brother, even a maybe brother, leave me feeling this way? No Stop it! You don't need anybody. They all will leave. They always do because who would believe a 14-year-old that his parents who were such saints were beating a kid?

"Hey kiddo, You okay?" Steven asks me he looks...concerned. Shit, my cheeks are getting wet? Oh fuck I'm crying. Steven looking concerned doesn't help right now. Not one single living thing had bothered to be concerned about me.

I hastily wiped at my cheeks, cursing myself for showing weakness in front of Steven. This wasn't me. I was supposed to be emotionless. That's what I'm trained for. I didn't need anyone's concern. Nobody cares what I'm feeling. Who would truly miss me when I died? No one 

"Yes," I don't trust myself to talk right now. I don't trust myself at all. Who would even trust me?

"Well." Steven smiled "As I was saying you don't have a brother." He scratched his head awkwardly "We kind of assumed he was your brother because of his uh-um...age?"


I couldn't even muster the energy to respond. It felt like the universe was playing some cruel joke on me, dangling the prospect of family in front of my face and snatching it away once again and bringing it back.

"Yeah," I muttered, my voice hollow. 

Steven's awkward attempt to explain only made things worse. My father. The man who had left me to fend for myself like a dog, who had never bothered to check in, let alone acknowledge my existence like he was one of the fucking Greek gods. Hell! Even Greek gods claim their children. And now, suddenly, he was supposed to be the answer to all my problems? 

I felt a bitter laugh bubble up in my throat, but I choked it back, not wanting to give Steven the satisfaction of seeing me break down even further.

"Thanks for letting me know," I said, my voice flat.

Steven's expression softened, fake sympathy flickering in his eyes. Nothing he could say or do would change the fact that I was alone in this world, abandoned by the one person who was supposed to care.  I want to disappear, to fade into the shadows where nobody can see me, where nobody can hurt me anymore and I couldn't hurt myself.

I slumped back in my chair, feeling the weight of Steven's words press down on me like a lead blanket. So, it wasn't a brother after all. Just another false hope, another reminder of how fucked up my life was. Instead, it was my father. Lovely!

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