Chapter 1: The Police

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"The worst way to avoid trauma is to pretend it doesn't exist but even though it's the worst way most of us do it anyways thinking it's the only solution"


2 people were arrested for something. Idk

2 people whom I knew

2 people who abused me (yay!!)

I saw their names on the news but the police didn't know I knew them 

"Hello, Alex. That's your name, right?" Nah, it's SpongeBob.

I nodded my head.

"Well, I'm sorry to inform you that your stepfather and mother died in a car crash."

Oh, you mean the same mother who sold me off and found me while I was trying to escape them, and the same stepfather who loved me like a punching bag. Oh, I'm so sorry they're dead.

 Actually, scratch that.

 I'm sorry they died in a stupid car crash that's such an easy way to die.

The stupid social worker was looking at me with fake pity and waiting for me to cry like a banshee. I needed to get out of this stupid place; it's heavily guarded. Obviously, it's a police—

"Are you okay?" She looked like a woman in her 30s. 

The woman was wearing a lot of makeup and I usually don't give a shit but I think she might need to get a new style. What is she staring at me for? What does she want me to say? I can say many things; for one, her face is annoying. Can she just get to the point?

 I just nodded at her when, in reality, I wanted to punch her face, but I wanted to do that to everyone. Oh well.

"Well, uh, okay. Now listen carefully I'm not going to repeat myself for brats like you. You will take a DNA te—" Is she bossing me around? She called me a brat. That's the nicest thing anyone said to me. 

"I refuse." To be honest, I didn't care; I wanted my revenge for her calling me sweetie when I was giving her my death glare. Yes, I'm a petty bitch, but so is everyone.

"Refuse what?" She gritted out that statement. Heh, that's what you get, bitch.

"To give a DNA test."I don't care and I'm gonna take the DNA test after a minute so... might as well start a fight will I wait?

"Listen here; you will do as I say. Mommy and Daddy are dead, so they're not gonna save you now. Go over there and let the fucking doctor take your blood, you worthless piece of trash. Got it? People like you don't belong here." 

Now I was mad. Also, bitch I don't know who my 'daddy' is that's  the reasonwhy your taking a fucking DNA test

"Who exactly are people like me?" I asked her but with absolutely no emotion. One thing I've learned is that if your opponent sees emotion never show it you would be making them think that they've won.

"Ugh, uneducated disgusting filthy brats. Poor brats like you." Uneducated; this bitch called me uneducated. 

Come on, brain, think of valid reasons why I can't give a DNA test.

A vampire might take a sample of my blood and get addicted to it and fall in love with me. And want only my blood.

Perfect. Now think of a logical one.

I got it!!

"The Fourth Amendment is part of the Bill of Rights. It prohibits unreasonable searches and sets requirements for issuing warrants: they must be issued by a judge or magistrate, justified by probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and must particularly describe the place to be searched and the persons or things to be seized or a DNA test to be done." I said it with no emotion, of course, but maybe I might have smirked a bit. Fuck me. Who's uneducated now bitch? 

Long story short, the bitch threw a tantrum, the police checked the cameras, found out it was the bitch's fault.  A man came up to me and asked me very politely if I would like to take a blood test, and I said yes. See manners are important. I didn't have to think about what the results of the DNA test would be because the man allowed me to sleep on one of the bunk beds in the police station. 

Now, normally, I would have not slept, but my head was killing me, and I was too tired to give a shit. If they want to kill me, let them; living is overrated anyway. 

I heard the door open, and I immediately woke up. I was just having a fucking nightmare.

"Your DNA test matched! Turns out you have a brother who has been searching for you for a long time. You were kidnapped when you were younger. Your brother or I think maybe he's your brother— Lorenzo, agreed to take custody of you, and all the paperwork had been signed. I checked; there is no law saying a minor who has a blood relative can refuse custody unless the relative has done something illegal."

I have a maybe brother who has been searching for me. I just nod blankly. I'm too sleepy to give a shit; I have not had a proper night's sleep in like a month. The man, whose name is Steven, I think, awkwardly leaves and apologizes for not knocking or some shit. 

Then the man came in again and wanted another DNA test to prove to my so-called brother that I was actually his maybe brother. I wanted to sleep. Why tf can't they use the same freaking sample; like, don't waste blood. After they took some of my precious and very limited blood away from me, I went back to sleep but one thing I did notice was a man who was wearing a mask he had a scar on his neck and he was watching me as if I had three heads but I'm too sleepy to fucking care. 

I was rudely awakened from my nightmare by someone knocking on the door. Ugh, now what? You already took so much of my blood, you vampire? I climbed the ladder for the bunk bed thingy. I would have jumped, but my ribs are too sore.


*Few hours before*

Lorenzo (Enzo/Leo) had just finished his work. It was a Friday, and he just wanted to crash, but he knew he couldn't. He promised Emilio he would stay for game night. He was sitting in his office with a cigarette in his hand. He knew Theo (Matteo) would give him a five-hour lecture if he caught Enzo smoking, so he quickly went to the bathroom, and just as he was about to get mouthwash, he got a call. He wanted to take the person who called him and throw them off a cliff unless it was his brothers; then, he would just make them watch all the cars.

"Hello! Is this Lorenzo Romano I'm speaking to?" The voice sounded like an elderly man. Tf is he so happy for?


"Great! This is Steven Stilltion. I'm calling from the Madison, Wisconsin police department. There was a report on a house, and in the basement, a teenage boy was living with his mothe—."

"What does this have to do with me?" Lorenzo was wondering if they were doing any 'business' in Wisconsin.

"Yes, sir. As I was saying, that girl is your son. We did a DNA test on that boy, and the DNA had a 99.9% match. He is in our custody at the moment, and the reason I called is because I was wondering if you would—"

"I will need proof of the DNA test," Lorenzo answered. I always get our hopes up again, and again, this shit always happens.

"Sir, could you please speak to him? We tried to get his blood for the testing, and he started listing the Fourth Amendment rights. We managed to get his blood sample, but only if we agreed to release him after 24 hours. Legally—"

"You can't keep him for more than 24 hours," I said cutting off the answer

The officer explained everything to me, and I couldn't help but be impressed. I understood the guy's strategy; he wanted to make sure the police knew that he was being held voluntarily and that he knew his rights. I told the officer that the guy was bluffing and cut the call. 

I didn't want anything to do with the kid. It was fake. It always was.

I sent one of my stupid cousins to confirm the test, he knew why because this happened often. It was always fake and every fucking time I thought Alex was back it backfired me. 

The only reason I used to come home and smile was because of Alex. Sure, It was a fake smile but when he would drag me to come play with him. The way his eyes—

No! Stop it. Don't think about him.

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