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Who? Who can something like this. I mean, i have just opened my eyes and he asked me to marry him. *Ahem* Matthew clear his throat "Mr. Vinci she needs to take a rest and can't do any exercise. I want you to hold your horse." I felt little shy in front of Matthew and he left the room. "How can you say something like that in front of him, have you gone mad?" I asked Ethan who is looking at me with tearful eyes. I try to touch his face but can't do it so he bring his face down to my hand and i start caressing his cheeks "What happen my puppy?" As i said that he start sobbing hardly in my hands and start kissing on it. "Jaan please i beg you, please don't be like that again. I can't live without you."

I bring his face near to me and kissed on his forehead "Puppy i will never leave you and do you know how cute you look when you cry? but still i hate it when you cry." He immediately wipe his tears and said "look Jaan i am not crying anymore and i promise i will do whatever you likes but don't leave me." I can't imagine that only by hearing his name the enemies start shivering from fear and who has never bowed his head in front of anyone, who is famous for his cruelty and inhuman behaviour, who is the King of the Italian royal mafia family, is begging to a woman to be with him, crying under her touch. He is as soft as rose but have throns to protect himself.

"Miss. D, Matthew told me that now you are out of danger." Stella said putting a slice of apple in my mouth. "Yes, and you missed the expression on the face of Ethan when you were in OT it was like he is also going to die if anything happens to you." Gabriel said and ended up receiving a smack on his head from Ethan and with that we all brust in laughter. "Miss.D i am sorry, because of me you are in this condition, if i had convinced you at that time to not to go alone, than nothing will happen like that." The guilt on the Jason's face is clear but it's not his mistake. "No Jason, it's not your mistake stop blaming yourself and you know when i decide to do anything no one can stop me and you were just following my orders. But i am thankful that you found me in the last and took me here at the right time."

"But how did you know i was their?" I asked and Ethan and Jason gives a look to each other "Tell me." I asked and Ethan said "You were late for our date and i felt anxious so i called you but there was no response. I tried again but still no answer so i called Jason and meet him. He tried to hide the situation from me but i know that something was wrong. So, I acted like I have left from their and hide behind the window. Then i listen him talking on the phone that he had lost the connection with your phone and try to track Neha's phone. Then he read a message and start shaking in anger. He immediately run towards his car and i followed him."

Jason continues after that "I was talking with Stella and she has tracked the Neha's cell phone and got the information that she has planned her own kidnapping and transferred the large amount of money in the account of the kidnappers. I got the idea that she is plotting something so i rush towards the location of her phone. Outside of the old factory Mr. Vinci has grabbed me by collar and asked for the truth. I told him everything and said that you are in danger and Neha is behind all of this.
When we saw the guards standing outside the factory, we killed them very carefully so that the guards inside would not become alert. But when we entered into the factory we saw the dead bodies lying on the floor and Neha was stabbing you and after that you know what happened."

I recall all the memories of that day which i want to be my illusion but no that was all real fucking real. "Where is she?" "In the dungeon." Jason said gritting his teeth. I can feel his anger towards her and i am thankful that he didn't killed her but what i am going to do with her? "Treat her well, when i meet her again i want her in a good condition, so that she can answer my all questions." Jason nods and left from the room.

*3 days later*

"You need more rest, you haven't healed properly." "I know i am good and i am bored to death to stuck in this room." Ethan frowns on my words and said "Okay then we will go to the new room but you are not going anywhere specially until you heal properly." I looked at him and putting my head on his broad chest i said "Ethan i know that you are worried for me but i also know that you are stopping me to leave this hospital because you don't want me to meet her. But you know that until i get all the answers of my questions from her i can't sleep peacefully. So, please let me go and i promise this time i will be more cautious and protect myself." He stopped playing with my hairs and said "Okay but i will also go with you, i will stay outside and you can't say no." I hum in response and we left the hospital.

"Why did you do that?" After coming here i stopped myself from hugging her, I can't be nice and warm towards her but she is my only friend my only bestfriend. "So, you are still alive. I thought that finally you will die after my attack and every problem of my life will be solved." "Problem, what kind of problem?" I asked nearly choking and holding my tears. "You, you are the problem." It breaks my heart and i felt everything going blank "We were bestfriends, sisters and supporter of eachother." A cruel laugh escaped from her mouth and she said "Bestfriends *huh* i hate you, i hate to the death. You were the cause of the every problem in my life. My parents always prefer you and treat you as their own daughter, i was always compared by you in my own family. The first guy i had crush on was liked you and asked me to help him to approach you. Whatever i wanted in my life is become yours and i remain as your shadow. I liked Jason from the first time i saw him but you hurted him by dating anyone else."

Tears slips from my eyes and i grab the hands of her in my hands "I am sorry Neha, i didn't know that, that you were facing this things in your life. You are right i am not your best friend because i didn't know anything which is happening in your life. Tell me everything and we will short it out together. I know that you still saw me as you friend you have helped me so much in my downfall, i know you don't hate me." She yank my hands away from her and said "Hate, this word can't describe my feelings towards you, i loathe you, i despise you." I told her tremblingly that this can't be true, then she started laughing like crazy and said "Have you ever thought who have told your exact location and time to that man, it was me, when he came home to attack you, I was there and when he asked me about you, I thought that I will never get a better chance than this to get rid of you, so I told him everything, but you were saved and your mother died in your place, it was very bad, but let me tell you one thing, I was very happy to see you in pain, I felt bad for aunty, but more than that I was happy for your pain."

I slapped her hard on her face "How could you do that, i never did anything to harm you, whatever happened with you was not my mistake but because of you i have losted my mother." I grabbed her hair and face forcefully and said "You have only seen my friendship now i will show you my enmity."


Hello, my dear readers after a long time new chapter is here. I hope you enjoyed the whole chapter and conversation between Neha and Diksha.

What do you think Diksha will do with Neha?

If you were in the place of Diksha what will you do with her?

Isn't Ethan is so loving?

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