Her Home

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After a long flight of 10 hours finally we landed in Mumbai

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After a long flight of 10 hours finally we landed in Mumbai. Her happiness is beaming from her face. When we came out of the airport I saw her taking a deep breath and said "I am back." "Our next flight from Mumbai to Delhi is after 5 hours so we can rest or fresh up in the hotel i have already booked the room" Jason said and we take our seat in taxi. We reached our hotel and i saw Jason taking only 2 keys, wait 2 keys but we are 3 people am i going to stay with Diksha. Well I would love that. We entered in elevator and she is already on her phone talking to someone in hindi, i think i really need to learn it.

"This is your key Miss. D and this is our room Mr. Bernardi" Jason handed me the key of the room. "What are talking, are we going to stay together in one room? For your kind information Mr. Ivanov i am not interested in man and i already have a girlfriend." I said jokingly "Mr. Bernardi don't try to act smart and go and take rest." Jason said in his usual annoying tone. "Miss. D are you not going to take rest?" I asked Diksha and she said "We have some work we will be back in few hours till then you can rest." She said and kissed on my cheeks and i saw her and Jason leaving. *Sigh* I am already missing her.

*3 hours later*

"I am hungry, what are you guys wants to eat i will order." I suggest Jason and Diksha who just came. "Ofcourse we are also hungry but if you can wait half an hour more then we will eat Mumbai's famous Vada Pav." Diksha said excitingly, i am so happy watching her smiling all the time since we came. Gab amd i had a long discussion when i told him that i am going to India but in the end he have to listen me as his best friend or as his King. And i think i had taken best decision to come here otherwise i will never able to see her freely smile.

"What, are we going to eat from Street stall." They both nodded their head in unison and i said "No i will nev" before completing my sentence my mouth is filled with the Vada Pav when i try to spit it out, Diksha glare at me and i starting eating it. It's crunchy but soft, spicy but tangy and the potato is so soft i like it, no i love it. I asked for one more and saw Miss. D and Jason laughing at me. "So, Mr. Bernardi what was you saying, no never what?" Jason tease me in a mocking tone and i gave him side eye and Diksha chuckled.

*At Delhi Airport*

When we came out of the airport, I saw a girl running towards us. I tried to grab Diksha and move her out of the way, but she shook my hand and went towards the girl. They both hugged each other and started crying, then i understand that, that girl must be Diksha's bestfriend Neha. "Jason how are you, you also didn't call me and i am angry with you." Neha said and Jason approached her and they also side hugged each other "What can i do when my boss don't allow me?" Jason smiled mischievously "Are you serious Jason?" Diksha punched him on his shoulder and they all laughed. And who is this handsome Neha asked "Myself Luca, Luca Bernardi" i introduced myself then she said "Neha, Neha Singh" and we shake our hands. "Let's go Dikku" Neha grabbed Diksha's hand and move towards the car. Her nickname is as cute as her Dikku.

When we reached her home, I saw her father holding a plate in his hands and he was performing Aarti. Before coming here i searched for some Indian rituals and traditions so i know about that. She touched her father's feet and they both hugged each other. I could see the tears in her father's eyes but he controlled himself and his tears. After that Jason also touched his feet and took blessings. Now it's my turn i also touched his feet and said "Namaste Uncle ji" and he said something in hindi which i didn't understand well so Diksha translated "He said stay healthy and live long" then i thanked uncle ji and we entered in home.

 Now it's my turn i also touched his feet and said "Namaste Uncle ji" and he said something in hindi which i didn't understand well so Diksha translated "He said stay healthy and live long" then i thanked uncle ji and we entered in home

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      (Imagine this as Diksha's home)

"What do you guys want to eat tell me i will make it" Uncle ji said, he will cook for us, where is her mom. "Jason where is her mom? I didn't see her." I asked Jason and he is totally shocked like i have asked something out of the world "Don't you know?" Jason asked scrunching his brows "If I knew then why would I ask you?" I replied. "Then I cant tell you it's Miss. D's story ask her if you want to know" after saying that Jason moved to his room. Now i want to know everything but this is not right time. Diksha is with her father and they need their time so i will ask her later. "What should i call you?" Neha asked me and grabbed my attention "You can call me Cognato" i told her and she asked what it means so i told her that it means brother. "Okay Cognato, this is your room." She told me and left. I put my bags down and start analysing the interior of the house, it's so good and lovely.

"Come down everyone, dinner is ready." Uncle ji shouts from the hall and i heard a knock on my door. "Come, dinner is ready and i am sure you are going to love the food." Diksha said and i grabbed her hand pull her closer. "Jaan i missed you so much." I place her between my legs and hug her waist putting my head on her stomach. She is playing with my hairs and i love it when she do that. "Sorry, since we come here i was too busy but i promise it will not gonna happen again." Her low voice in my ears feels like beautiful melody. I look at her and she kissed on my forehead. It feels like in this world there is something which is mine, only mine and forever be mine.

"Dear come sit here, Dikku has told me that you wanted to taste aalu ka paratha so i made it for you." Uncle ji told me. We all are seating on the table and Everyone's favourite food is placed here and we started eating. It's really so delicious, uncle ji must have some kind of magical powers which make food so tasty. "Uncle ji the food is so delicious and i love it, Miss. D you are so lucky." I said and then uncle ji said "No Miss. D only Diksha, this is home not office, so no Mr. no Miss" and everyone looked at each other and said "Aye aye captain" and uncle ji started laughing and we also joined him.

"What happen, is there something that you don't like tell me i will change it." Diksha asked, i grabbed her hand and looked in her eyes and said "I want to ask something" she looked at me and i think she knows what i want to ask "She is no more." As those words come out from her mouth a tear slides from her eyes and i immediately wipe it and hugged her "I am sorry Jaan" i said and we stay like that.


Sorry, i am Little late in updating chapter because i have exams. So it take Little time but i will try to update it on the time.

Do you like Neha?

What is the meaning of Cognato🤔

Who is no more??

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