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"Luca give this plate to tha Uncle ji he will need it for the Havan(Offering prayers to God in front of fire)" I take the plate from Jason and move outside where the Havan is going to take place

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"Luca give this plate to tha Uncle ji he will need it for the Havan(Offering prayers to God in front of fire)" I take the plate from Jason and move outside where the Havan is going to take place. I handed the plate to the Uncle ji and he asked "Beta tell Dikku to come fast Pandit ji (priest) is coming soon." I nod my head and move inside to find Diksha. The last time when we talked properly to each other was 2 days ago.

*Flashback starts*

She fall asleep in my arms while talking and I don't want to wake her up that's why i let her sleep in my room. As much as i want to hold her and sleep with her, i also want her consultation befor that, so i just seat on the floor on her side and started ruffling her hair. She is sleeping so peacefully and looking like an angle.

When i woke up i found myself covered with quilt and a lipstick mark on my cheeks. Did she come into my room after getting ready and leave a trace of her lipstick on me? The mere thought of it makes me smile. I got a quick shower because i want to see her, and descendent down to the hall. Uncle ji and Jason is doing something. "Good morning Uncle ji" I said and take a seat beside Jason. "Good morning Beta, did you sleep well?" Uncle ji asked and i said yes. Last night was not a bit uncomfortable but i am happy because she was with me. "Uncle ji what are you doing?" I asked him and he said "Beta we are making laddu for tomorrow" then i remember that tomorrow is Aunty ji's death anniversary. "Uncle ji Diksha and Neha has reached market so they are asking that if we need anything else, we can tell them." Jason said and i felt bad because i didn't get to see her."Yes tell them to buy kurta pyjama for Luca. And Luca beta what would you like for breakfast i will make that for you." Uncle ji said. "No, no Uncle ji i can make it myself you just tell where are the things." I snap and move to the kitchen counter start making tea.

I give everyone a cup of tea and Jason and Uncle ji is looking at me. "What happen is it not good?" I am feeling nervous because its first time i make something for Diksha's father. And i want to leave a good impression on him. "It is good, where did you learn that" Uncle ji said "Ofcourse it tastes good because jaa- *cough* *cough* Diksha has taught me that" oh fuck  what was i going to say. Uncle ji just smiled and I also tried making laddu and believe me it's really tough. The love of the family which i was missing form 2 years, i am getting that love and warmth form Dikha's family. Now her family is my family.

*Flashback ends*

That's how 2 days passed and Diksha and i merely spend time with each other because she is busy with preparations. "Neha where is Diksha, Uncle ji is asking for her." I asked to Neha. "Umm, she must be in the Puja Ghar, wait i will check on her, Ohh what a timing ask for the and devil is here." Neha said and i looked behind me, my eyes got stuck on her and my heart is throbbing hard. She is wearing white suit and looking gorgeous.

 She is wearing white suit and looking gorgeous

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        (Imagine her in this white suit)

If i can hug her right now that would be great but i can't, get a grip on yourself Luca, i told myself. This is not the right time for having this thoughts. "Dikku jldi chl uncle ji bula rhe hai (Dikku come quickly Uncle ji is calling you). Neha said and we left for the Havan.

We all are seating around the Havan and the priest is chanting something which seems like Hindi but it's not Hindi. I can't understand the single word but i got to know one word Swaha. After completion of Havan, Priest asked to serve food in a plate and Uncle ji took that plate and placed it on the terrace. After that we all take the blessings of priest. I saw Diksha and her father giving clothes and cereal to the priest and then he left. "Luca come we have to go for donations." Diksha said and we all seat in the car and Uncle ji stayed back at the home. Neha is driving the car but the traffic in Delhi is really sucks. I must have killed someone if i was driving here. We reached old-age home and start taking out everything from the trunk of the car. A woman comes and hugs Diksha and says "Beta long time no see, let's go, everyone is waiting for you." Diksha gives her nod and we follow them.

After the donation we all were hungry and Neha said "Dikku yaar bhuk lgri hai chl kuch khate hai (Dikku i am hungry, let's go eat something)" Me and Jason also join Neha and plead her with puppy eyes and she laughed "Mission completed" Jason said and Diksha hugged Neha and said thank you. "That's not fair it was my idea and you are rewarding Neha" i said while pouting "Ohh Cognato please, she is mine." Neha said and we all started laughing but Diksha asked to Neha "What did you call him?" and i am like there is no possibility that she can understand. "Cognato, what's happen?" Neha answered innocently "Do you know the meaning of it?" Diksha asked and Neha said "Yes, it means brother. When i asked Luca what can i call him, then he told me to call him Cognato" raising a brow Diksha said "che mossa intelligente, Luca (what a smart move Luca)"  i am totally shocked by listen Italian form her "conosci l'italiano? (Do you know Italian?)" I asked in disbelivement "" she replied and i feel like the cat got catched while stealing the fish.

We all are seating in the restaurant and waiting for food then Diksha's phone ring and she pick up the phone. I saw her facial expression changing and the glass she was holding in her hand broke due to anger. The blood started flowing from her hand and I immediately held her hand and tied a handkerchief and shouted, "Have you gone mad?" But when i look into her eyes, I got scared. Her eyes is always calm and beautiful but now it's dark with rage. Right now just one look from her is enough to kill someone. She shook my hand and said "We need to go."


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