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"Fuck" my hear it feels like it's going to brust, i look around i am in my room but how did i get here, my clothes were on me but shoes and socks were removed, i saw a note on the side table

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"Fuck" my hear it feels like it's going to brust, i look around i am in my room but how did i get here, my clothes were on me but shoes and socks were removed, i saw a note on the side table. "Take a leave, if you don't feel good, Luca" it's Miss. D, she was here at my home shit what happened last day i can't remember anything. If i want to know what happed then i must meet Miss. D. The last thing which i remember is that we were dancing and i was so happy that she was in my arms no sign of her being uncomfortable, she was also enjoying my touch. I wanted to enjoy each and every moment with her but what happened after that is all blank and I didn't drink that much alcohol. Fuck, what she is thinking about me hat I can't handle my drinks.

I took a quick shower and descended down to the kitchen, Belle is having her breakfast "How are you Birdy?" I kissed on the top of her head and she smiled "You like her" as those words utters from her mouth i got freezed at my place and at looked at her "What are you talking about?" I try to act like i don't understand what she is talking about "Oho, brother you can't hide it from me, did she know who are you?" I sense that she is worried, when i am going to say something she cuts me off and said "It's first time when i saw a real smile on your face and if you truly like her then tell her everything efore it's too late and brother." She said patting my shoulder and kissed by cheeks and move to the sofa, start watching her movie.

*In the office*
"Now you all know what to do so get back to your work" i listen Miss. D ordering a group of youngsters and remember today new interns are joining us. When i saw her all i could imagine her in that white dress which she was wearing in the wedding. It's the first time when i saw her wearing a dress otherwise she always in her official attire. She was looking like goddess in that dress, she don't have perfect figure like other girl's who might die for maintaining themselves but she, she loves food and don't care about her figure and that's what i like about her most. She is setting the example for the stereotype mentality that you don't need a curvy figure and eavy bust to make a man drool over them. A women can be perfect in every way.

Her dress was huggig her perfectly and her black hair flowing over her shoulder

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Her dress was huggig her perfectly and her black hair flowing over her shoulder. When i saw her i just want to hug her tightly and show everyone that she is mine, only mine but i need to wait for that moment. When i got there Madhavi started taking selfies and i whisper in Miss. D's ears and i can see she was blushing and her cheeks turned red from my words, a smile erupted on my face and i feel happy. We have became good friends to crack jokes. We attended the wedding and all i could focus on only her. My eyes not leaving her even for a second. When she was not standing for the bouquet toss traditional then i decided to catch it for her. I jumped and caught the bouquet and everyone was watching me but my eyes on Miss. D. "Hey, Luca are you alright, you were standing here from 10 mins and staring at Miss.D, what happen bro?" Oliver's voice brought me out of my thoughts. "Nothing i was just hinking something" i said ignoring everyone's eyes on me.

I started feeling that something was wrong and then Jason came to me and told me that Miss. D wants to talk to me. My heart was beating very fast and I was wondering whether I had done something wrong in my drunken state. But i am sure that i didn't drink that much. "So, Mr. Bernardi do you remember anything what happened last day?" She asked me in stressed voice and i just shook my head "Words Mr. Bernardi, words" i can feel her anger in her voice "No, Miss. D i don't remember anything. Did i do something wrong?" I asked politely I don't like her being angry with me, even when I don't know the reason. "Do you know Miss Shailly?" Jason asked me "Who's Shailly?" I narrowed my eyes in confusion. Jason handed me his phone and play video clip in which a women is spiking my drink, oh fuck why didn't i think about that, i got drugged you fucking Ethan is this how you are going to rule your kingdom and save people.
I looked at Miss. D and said "I don't know her" she looked at me and said "What do you want to do with her?" What kind of question is that, I don't want to do anything with her "Miss. D i think you are misunderstanding, there is nothing between me and that blonde women, i saw her in the video for the first time" i explained myself for me she is the one and that's the truth. "Mr. Bernardi i am talking about legal actions, do you want to hand her to cops or want to deal with her youself?" I saw her smiling and feel relieved that she is not angry anymore. "Hand her to cops i don't even wants to look at her." I place my both hands on the table of Miss. D and bent my body and said "I have my eyes only on one women and she is so hard to coax. So, I can't afford to make her angry by looking at other wmen." I gave her a smile and she shook her head while rolling her eyes.

She ordered Jason to go and give every evidence to cops, so he left and now we are alone in the room. "Mr. Bernardi 2 months left for the contract to end and after that i hope we never see each other." Her words are like poison to me, i dont give a damm abut that contract if i want want her then i can kidnapp her and make her mine and who could dare to stop me but i want her to accept me whole heartedly not by force but I can't wait anymore i want to be with her. Yes Belle was right if i love her then i must confess my feelings take this chance and tell her your feelings i told myself and said "Miss. D when we first meet I don't want to work with you but i realise  that was the best decision of my whole life because of that I got to know you. I don't want to run anymore and if I need to run I want to hold your hand and run together. I want to be with you till the very end. So will you allow me to be your man?"


What do you think about Luca's confession?

Do you think Luca because clumsy when he is around Miss. D?

What do you think Miss. D really leave that Shailly just like that?

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