Ethan Leonardo Vinci

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After leaving from her room i am having eerie feeling

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After leaving from her room i am having eerie feeling. Everything was going smoothly but suddenly she wants to be alone, i think i am thinking too much, she must be tired, convincing myself i go for sleep in my room. In the morning Uncle ji is returned and Diksha is making breakfast. She is making chole bhature for everyone. Bhature is little oily but it taste awesome. I have feeling that she is ignoring me but this can be my willful thinking because she is busy in work after last night i got blue balls and it's painful and Little sensitive. The Day after tomorrow we have to leave so we are enjoying our last days.

*Day of departure*

"Beta, take care of yourself and try to call me in 2-3 days. I miss you so much, beta" Uncle ji said and hugging Diksha, he is about to cry but he controlled himself. Then he hugged Jason and me and gives us his blessings and we touched his foot and ready for check in. "Dikku, babe i will miss you come soon you bitch." Neha said while crying. Diksha hugged her and we left. Diksha is talking to me but not like before. I mean she is behaving strange and I don't know the reason. We are back to our place and, again we all are going to busy in our working life.

"Luca you can go back home by yourself i have called the cab, me and Jadon have some work, see you in the office." After saying that she left. She is behaving so normal like in a formal way. During the whole time in the flight she didn't even talked to me. I really can't understand her changing behaviour.

*After one week*

"Luca Fashion Fest is coming soon, so try all the outfits and let us know if anything is wrong." Oliver told me about everything and together we check all the outfits. It's been a week i didn't get enough time to talk to Diksha because after coming here we all got so busy in work because Fashion Fest is around the corner. I saw her daily but can't touch her, her her, claim her mine, it's really hard for me, after our tour in India i became addicted to her. It has become my habit to saw her every morning by my side, having breakfast, lunch and dinner with her, everything feels incomplete without her. I need to tell her everything i can't live like that, i will become crazy.

"Is everything is alright with Miss. D, she seems so anxious about something." Madhavi asked to Jason and he just gave a half smile. "Don't worry everything is okay, she is just tired. You all focus on your work and remember not to make any mistake." Jason said while patting Madhavi's shoulder and move towards his desk. "Hey, Jason is something bothering Miss. D?" I asked Jason and he gives me a glare and said "yes, it's you." I got shocked by his sudden reply and asked "Me, how?" I saw Jason is planning how to answer in his mind and then he said "Nothing, she is just missing you, it's been a while since you both talked to each other." I can tell he is lying, but it's true that we didn't talk to each other.

Why don't i plan a surprise for her. A romantic surprise and then we will spend our quality time. When everyone left from the office and no one in the company, i scatter rose petals in her cabin, put candels, planted lights and decorate her cabin. My girl is so tried and she deserves a surprise like this. I know that she will come here late because she and Jason has gone in some meeting and they will be here after that. Everything is ready, i just need to wait for her.

"Is the information given by Stella correct?" She asked to Jason handing a file to him and he just nod. "I like to play this game let's see how long he will play it." She is really worried about something, it's good that i decided to give her a surprise that will make her mood lite. When she is about to  enter in her cabin i pressed the button and every lights is open and she stood to her place as i say "Surprise My Jaan." I goes towards her and signaled Jason to leave us alone. First he didn't move but in the end ge left us alone.

I took her hand and put my finger under her chin and lift her head, she have dark circles under her eyes, she seems so tired. "Jaan i want to spend some time with you, from when we return here we didn't talk to each other nicely. And you seems so stressed so i planned this surprise for you, do you like it." I look at her in excitement and she pinned me in the wall by capturing me between her arms on my both sides. I can feel heat in her eyes, she is angry but also sad. I didn't think about anything and capture her lips with mine. I am kissing her but she is not kissing back. I am having a feeling that something is wrong and looked at her and asked "What happened Jaan, what is the thing that you are so stressed about?" I just want to give her some relief by sharing her burden.

"Let me help you to give you some relax." Her hands loosen from my side and when she is turning away from me i grab her by her waist and press her on my chest. Our heart is beating so fast, and i kissed on her shoulder then her neck then cheeks and then her ears. I place her on the table and start kissing her neck, ear, collar bone, her intoxicating smell make me forget everything and remember only one thing which is her. I only need her, i love her, i want to show her how much i love her.

When i am going to unbutton her shirt she stopped me. And said "You want me don't you" after saying that she moves close to me and bite my earlobes which made me shiver and her hands slowly tangled with my hair and she lift my head grabbing my hair and our eyes met from which I can see my reflection in her eyes. No one has ever grabbed me by my hair not even my father. I am feeling little anger is blowing inside me but i love her and it's not her mistake, she don't know my true identity. Otherwise who will dare to treat a King like that.

"Say it if you want me, beg me The King of Italian Mafia or I say the becoming King Ethan Leonardo Vinci" as those words utter from her mouth my heart skipped a beat and now i realise and understand her every words which is she just saying to Jason. It's her game and i got played but the point is how does she knows about mafia and how she know that I am a King.

"Who are you?" I asked her with surprise tone in my voice. Now it's my time to take action and no more need play nice, it's true i love her but now knowing the truth is more important for me. So I yanked her away and grab her by her throat not so hard to hurt her it's just to scare her. "Tell me who are you?" I asked her in a stern tone and she just laugh. "It's fascinating that future king of the Italian Mafia Emperor is working under me" her mocking tone is really pissing me. "Fuck, just tell me who the hell you are?" I asked again and she said "I am your Jaan"

Do you like this chapter, finally it's happening they are revealing their identity. And now the upcoming capters will be more about emperor and the king and queen.

So tell me how was your holi? Mine as good but in the end i was totally tired. So how's yours?

What about Ethan?

Thoughts on Diksha.

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