Game is begin

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After saying that we are the most powerful couple in the world, Diksha and Jason both are shocked, like they are not expecting it

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After saying that we are the most powerful couple in the world, Diksha and Jason both are shocked, like they are not expecting it. Well even i don't expect that i will say something like that. But from all the past incident i know that Diksha don't want to hurt me, she even protected me. After knowing her true identity and that i fell for my rival or enemy i was angry not because i love her but because of the though of, how did she became the Queen of Russian Mafia. She is an normal Indian girl and there is no any connection between them so how?

"Ethan" someone call my name and i trun around and find out Gab is here. "Ethan are you alright? Sorry i am late but i was tracking the person who attacked on you and that person is-" his voice cut off by a female who is coming from behind him "that person name is Marlov, I think he have some kind of personal gurde towards you, that he send 50 well trained fighters." She gives me a smile and move towards Diksha "You have become more hot Stella, i almost didn't recognise you." Diksha said and hug her, so she is the Stella, Diksha was talking about. "You are still same but more happier than before Your Highness." Stella move towards Jason and said "Brother you are taking good care of Your Highness." And Jason patted her head. So she is Jason's sister.

"Who the hell is she." Gab said pointing towards Diksha but Stella comes forward and kicked on Gab's leg and a painful groan come from his mouth. "Mind your words dude, next time if you talk like that, i will make sure that you never speak again." After saying that she get backs to her place, i like her guts, afterall she is Jason's sister and working under Diksha, so all this things are normal. Gab try to say something but i stopped him and said "Miss. Ivanov i think you are forgetting who i am." I said in a dominating voice "And i think you are forgetting who saved you." She snap which makes my blood boil from anger "Stella" Diksha call her name as a sign of being silent and she didn't say anything after that.

"Diksha i don't know what are you thinking but i want to tell you that, i love you and your identity has nothing to do with it." I move towards her and try to grab her hand but she trun around and said "We will see Mr. Vinci" and get on her car and then she left. "Ethan do you really love her?" Gab asked putting his hand on my shoulder "From every inch of my body." I replied him and he sigh and said "Well who is she, by her aura and dominating personality and she and her guys able to take 50 well trained fighters down and she have good informer as us, and everyone calling her Your Highnes, so i can guess that she must be a big shot." Gab is continuously blabbering and i can understand that he is curious about the person whom i love "Take a breathe Gab, She is the one which i don't even imagine." I looked at him as like he is understanding what i am trying to say "Yes she is Russian Mafia Queen."

"How can is this possible? Isn't Russian Mafia has a King." Gab asked well i also have this question in my mind. "I don't know whole story. Let's continue our conversation at house." As i said that Gab starts his car because my car is smashed during the fighting scene. We come back to house. Belle is back to her school because of her exams. "Is it true that Marlov is behind all this things?" I asked Gab, i know the answer Stella has already told us but still i want that he is not the one behind all this things. "Yes Marlov is behind all the things, i think he is revenging for Sofia." I can understand him, he loved Sofia so much. She was his life and now i am at her place so being angry on me is valid. "Bring him here but don't hurt him." I feel sorry for him but by doing all this things he is only helping our enemy.

"How dare you to stand at her place, don't you feel guilty, don't you feel remorse for her." Marlov shouting in anger and i am trying to calm him down but on the other hand Gab is fuming in anger. He also feel sorry but Marlov has attacked on his best friend and becoming King so he is angry about that. "Marlov i know what you are feeling right now-" he cuts me off and started saying "stop your bullshit Ethan, i know you all very well. You just want that throne and nothing." He is spiting his anger which he has bottled up till now "Mind your language Marlov, don't forget who is standing in front of you." Gab said in stern voice and it's clearly a warning for Marlov. "Yes I know he is a man who is standing at his sister's place without any remorse of what happened with her."

His words are working like a shrap knife and it's hurting me "I also miss her, she was my sister my elder sister, i can't think about hurting her not even in dreams, i can die for her." I said everything which i was hiding from long time. "I am still searching for her, and i will find her at any cost." I said in determination. Marlov looks at me and started crying "Ethan please find her, even if she is dead i want to see her bead body, i want to tell her how much i love her." I hugged him immediately and we both calm down. Gab passes us drink and we started drinking "Sorry for the attack." Marlov breaks the silence "It's okay, actually your attack helped me so much." I smirk and my mind went to Diksha, her fighting skills, her moves, gosh she is wild lioness my lioness, my Jaan.

"Did you get any clue about her?" Marlov asked me and i tell him about those messages and then he said he also got a message but it was voice mail. So i tell him to play "it-it is Sofia's voice" i looked at Marlov in shock and he continues the voice message "Ethan, my little brother i don't think i can survive anymore, so now you have to take my place. I know it's tough but Leo, you have to take responsibility and the person who is behind all this things is someone whom we all know very well, he is... *Thud*" voice message is stopped their. My sister even at the her last moment she is thinking about us.

"Who has attacked on Sofia is someone from our group." Gab said and i am still in shock, Marlov put his hand on my shoulder and i looked at him "We have to find him, we have to bring justice to Sofia." Marlov said and i drink my whole drink in one gulp amd said "Now the game is begin."


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