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AN:No lyrics for this one. It's instrumental.

The next time I picked up my crystal ball and asked to see Soul, the ship was under attack. I spat out my nectar in surprise as pirates battled merfolk. "What happened while I was doing my chores?" I asked.

A few fairies gathered around me and watched the fight with awe. Fairies were violent, very violent. Don't let their tiny size, sparkly wings, and clothes made from flower petals fool you. They can and will rip your heart out of your chest and use it to fertilize their garden.

Apparently this isn't a very well known fact outside of the woods. I sometimes wonder why that is.

"Stab the blue tailed mermaid!" one fairy cheered.

"Gouge that pirate's eyes out!" another shouted.

"Drown!" a baby fairy cooed. The fairies around him gave him hugs for saying his first word.

Seriously, how isn't that a well know fact? And another thing, where did he learn that word?

Soul was at the wheel of the ship as the fight raged around her. "I don't know how to sail!" she shouted.

Kar threw a mermaid off the side of the ship. "You don't know how to fight either," he said, "Just keep the wheel in place."

"Keep the wheel where?" Soul asked, turning to the side and turning the wheel with her. The ship tilted to the side, sending pirates and mermaids tumbling across the ship and a lot went overboard into the sea. Soul slipped and barely managed to hold onto the wheel.

"Turn it back!" Kar shouted, right before falling overboard.

I let the fairies have their little fight watching time. I wasn't interested in that stuff, ripping hearts out of chests makes me puke.

Seriously though, what happened while I was doing my chores and how does the world not know just how violent fairies are?

Well, I don't know of anyone who's seen a fairy rip out a heart and live to tell the tale, so maybe that's why.

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