-(S)He's A Pirate-

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After a fitful night's sleep and washing the fairy dust off my hair and skin, I found some dandelions for Daisy and I and sat down with my bunny and my crystal ball. Daisy started chewing up a stem and I put a few leaves in my mouth. "Show me Soul," I said while chewing, "I finally get why humans love to go to the theater Daisy." Daisy just ate the dandelion flower.

The crystal ball showed Soul, on a ship, out at sea if the endless blue was what I think it was, talking to a girl who was clearly a pirate. I gulped down my leaves. "She actually did it," I gasped to Daisy, "She actually ran away from her home, got on a pirate ship, and now she's heading to the Mountains. I can't believe it." Daisy didn't care, not really.

"And then," Soul said to her pirate friend, "He called you all dirty."

The pirate scoffed. "I'm a bad guy by extension," she said, "But I'm on the straight and narrow."

"Yeah right," a second pirate stepped up, "Narrowly walking down the plank and getting tossed."

"Aw shut up Kar," the girl pirate snapped, "No one asked your option." She turned back to Soul. "It's great you're finally running away from that abusive family of yours. It's about time."

Soul nodded in agreement. "I should have done this years ago," she sighed, leaning back as the sun hit her. Her golden hair flowed behind her in the sea breeze. "All the glory," she said, and she turned back to her pirate friends, "And not to mention all the trouble that I've caused. I can just imagine how my family acted finding me gone. They'd put up a show, not wanting the kingdom to know how they truly felt about me, then they'd go back to normal, but someone's bound to notice how they just don't care. Then they'll see the truth."

"That's right they will," the pirate called Kar said, "Just you wait, the Valleys will fall to pieces without you there."

"And then when Queen Lilith takes over," Soul said, "I'll be by her side as the girl who gave her all the secrets of the Valleys and then I'll see about getting her to lift those regulations for you."

"You can't do that!" I shouted at the crystal ball, "You'd betray your kingdom and help pirates? Who gave you such ideas?" Then I saw the look on the pirates' faces. "They're using you," I warned Soul.

But of course, she couldn't hear me because I was watching her from a crystal ball probably far far away from where she stood on deck of a pirate ship.

"But until then," Kar said, "Soul, you remember the rules?"

Soul nodded. "Follow the code," she answered.

"Which is hard," the girl pirate, she probably has a name but I don't know it, "Because we're pirates, which basically means we don't follow rules or the normal routines. So the code's merely guidelines some chose to obey."

A third pirate walked by. "Drink and drink and drink," he sang. I blinked. Drink? Drinking what? Nectar? I like nectar. "We really should drink and drink and drink. And while we drink and drink and drink." The girl pirate stood up and slapped him twice. "Guess I deserved that," the third pirate said. I could never drink so much nectar, where does he put it all?

"Okay then," I said to the crystal ball as the picture faded, "Why do I get the feeling that Soul is making a big mistake? Telling Lilith the Valleys' secrets." Then it hit me. "Soul's going to tell Lilith the Valleys' secrets!" I gasped, "Oh no. The woods will be surrounded. Would we be safe? What do I do? Daisy, do you know what to do?"

Daisy did not know what to do. I groaned. I had forgotten that, as a human, I couldn't speak to animals; so even if Daisy had an idea, I wouldn't understand her telling me the idea on what to do. The only way I knew she didn't have an idea was because the fairies say that bunnies don't think while eating mostly.

I picked Daisy up and kissed her nose. She snorted at me. "I have to do something," she said, "But I don't know what."

The magic inside the crystal ball swirled as I stared at it, trying to piece together a plan.

It's hard to plan if you don't know much about the human world. I'd probably stick out like a red wing with my fairy upbringing. But I had to do something.

And once I figured out that something, I would do it and save the Valleys and maybe if there's time the Mountains. Could I save the Mountains?

First I needed more food. I think I'm still growing. How long to humans grow?

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