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KEVIN crouched down onto his bathroom floor as he patted naylah's back. she had been throwing up almost all week, and at this point it was looking serious.

"naylah we needa go to the hospital." kay said holding onto her hair as she continued to release everything she ate into the toilet.

naylah shook her head quickly before wiping her mouth with the rag that was laid next to her.

"no im okay." naylah said out of breath. but kay wasn't having any of it. "nah ma, you need some medicine." kevin said letting out a sigh.

naylah then slowly stoop up before her vision went blurry, and kay was quick to catch her. he then cursed under his breath loudly holding the passed out naylah.

here we go..


kay glanced over at naylah who was laying down in the hospital bed. she woke up once, but her tiredness consumed her quickly, so she was now sleeping.

this was all very random, and he was still confused as to why she passed out so randomly.

kevin just sat down onto the chair with his hands tied together, and he was staring off into space.

he had many things running through his mind, but the main this was why didn't he see the signs earlier? naylah had been feeling off the entire week, so why didn't he notice something was really wrong?

it was killing him on the inside. and if the doctors say it's something bad, he would never forgive himself.

eventually a doctor came in with a clip board before she walked over to kay. "so sir, we have her scans here, and we just wanted to say congratulations first!" the doctor said in a excited tone as kay immediately looked up confused.

"congratulations..?" kay asked puzzled as the doctor looked at him before looking back at the sleeping naylah.

"yes if i'm not mistaken." the doctor said as kay just say there taking in what's she was telling him. she was confusing him, but he wasn't gonna stress about it.

"so she's severely dehydrated, and that's not good for the baby at all, so that's what caused her to pass out." the doctor said as kevin immediately froze up.


"baby? she ain't pregnant." kevin said confused as the doctor looked at him awkwardly. "uhm, her scans came back..she's 6 weeks pregnant sir." the doctor said as kay's vision started going blurry.

he was too young to be a father. how was naylah even pregnant? she took birth control, and he always wore protection.

"but i-" kay said cutting himself off remembering the last time him and naylah slept together. he didn't wear any protection.

"shit." kevin said under his breath before going over to naylah who started to move around. she then slowly opened her eyes seeing kay, and he looked like he had just saw a ghost.

"whats wrong kay?" naylah asked attempting to sit up, but kevin immediately went over to her and laid her back down.

"uh, just lay down." kay said holding her hand as she nodded confused, but listened nonetheless.

"so how's mom?" another doctor asked with a smile walking in with her clipboard. and naylah's eyes immediately widened.

"mom? who's mom?" naylah asked as kay looked at her awkwardly. and the doctor was just standing there confused.

"i'm sorry am i confused?" the doctor asked looking at kay who closed his eyes and shook his head before looking back at naylah.

"you pregnant ny." kay said as naylah gave him a be serious look before she started to laugh. "i'm not pregnant, i use birth control.." naylah said in a uncertain tone as the doctor scratched behind her head.

"we have your ultrasound results, there's a baby in your stomach." the doctor said awkwardly as naylah just shook her head.

"i'll leave you guys be." the doctor said as her and the other doctor quickly left the room. and now the room was silent with a confused naylah.

"well...are you atleast happy..?" naylah asked looking up at kay who looked down at her. "why would i be mad?" kevin asked as naylah shrugged.

her and kevin had never talked about kids before. there was no need, especially since they weren't together until just last week.

"i dunno." naylah said quietly before kay sat down onto the bed with her. "ian a monster, i wouldn't leave a child i created." kevin said as he let out a laugh.

and that got naylah smiling atleast for a second, so now he felt way better about the situation.

"you scared?" kay asked watching naylah who nodded quickly.

"i'm terrified." naylah said truthfully as kay nodded at her response. "yea i'm scared too, but we got it." kevin said as naylah smiled widely. she was extremely greatful for kevin. and she didn't know what she would do without him.

(what we all been waiting for ..enjoy it while it last 🌚🌚🌚🌚)

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