Chapter 12: Of Sneaking out and sneak peeks part 2

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Author's notes: Are yall ready for season 2?! Sound off in the chat! PS secret ending in this chapter. Lastly, get ready for Chapter 13, back on the main plot! Justed wanted to go more in-depth on the relationship. 

Wednesday pov:

What should've been an hour and thirty-minute wait turned into almost three hours. One worker decided to put in overtime which caused the cleaning team to be delayed. Luckily Thing and your demon crow were now hiding closer to the building to keep an eye on said person to make sure they aren't sabotaging any evidence.

You both sat there in silence taking in whatever song by Tchaikovsky she had suggested as the town street lights mocked the stars up above. Once in a while you would ask a question about the songs or make a comment on how you knew the dance to it. Sometimes you would tell her which one you liked which she would just nod.

"The music sounds better coming from a gramophone, it captures the true essence of the piece," she said staring at the building. Slowly getting frustrated that she had yet to cut open a body and show you more one of her passions.

Why I'm I thinking about this!? She thought as she dug her fingers into concrete roof. Never in her life had she wanted to show someone something so badly. Maybe it's because I want to scare her? Yes that must be it.

"Sorry if this is taking longer than expected," you said slowly.

Wednesday tore her sight from the building and look at your sincere face looking at her. "It's not your fault an idiot is taking their time. Last I check the government doesn't pay overtime. Their just slaving away for their own pleasure- and people think I'm sadistic?"

Wheezing out a laugh you agreed with her. Your laugh was a loud one- full of life and strength. It was the type that could make everyone stop what they were doing to see what made you laugh. She would love to say it sounded like bells but really it sound like nails in a can being shaken.

With an eye roll, she told you to shut up. "Of course of course. It's just... never mind. Anywho you seem to be excited about this- do you hope to grab inspiration for your book?"

There you went again about her book. You reminded her of her parents and her so-called therapist who kept trying to dig information out of her about it. But unlike them, she didn't feel irritation's burn her skin. She didn't know what she felt when you asked, she felt light yet at the same time felt giddy that you kept asking her. As if she was a frog about to be dissected.

"Not really. My parents got me an operation set many years ago and I haven't been able to use it on a human-like body. I'm curious to see how it feels like to cut through human skin on a dead body. How different is it from a living one."

She glance over to you, she expected you to be terrified but your eyes were twinkling like a crow seeing gold.

"Well if you wish to do that type of level dissection I can ask my surgeon to have you join him the next time I need a body to be cut up."

I'd appreciate that is what she wanted to say but the words got decapitated the moment it reached the tip of her tongue. But pride let go of the leash holding up her teeth to kill it before it came out. She didn't want your ego to inflate more than it was.

"If I may ask, why the mystery genre? What caught your eye?"

"Fear of the unknown. The one fear that drives every living thing insane. There is beauty in the madness and in the violence that comes from the insanity. I want to understand it better and push people to their limit."

You nodded, looking down at the dark alleyway down below. The twinkle that was in your eye had disappeared- as if someone pulled the plug on a TV as you whispered the word insane softly. Tasting it with your tongue and letting it grind against your fangs till it tripped over your lips into the abyss of the alleyway.

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