Chapter 2: In the Woods Part 1

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Wednesday POV:

After Enid fell asleep Wednesday slip out of their bedroom, and down to the courtyard to investigate the watermark of the Belladonnas club that was Edgar Allen Poe's statue. She hope that she would finally get some answers for once but much to her disappointment she didn't find anything other than disappointment. Was she shock about this yes but also no. She wasn't shocked because first of all, it was Nevermore. It could either drop bricks of revelations that only knocked you down into a spiraling maze of questions or give you nothing but an empty gift box. Wednesday's life had truly begun a never-ending game of Russian roulette. What shocked her was the fact that her disappointment towards her classmates had grown even more. She didn't think it was possible.

And for the next few days, she only received more disappointment. Principal Weems had told her she was going to be joining the Jericho High School band during Outreach Day. Secondly, her investigation had come to a standstill. Nothing in the school had the information she needed and the few times she was allowed to go to town she was forced to go to therapy or help set up for the festival. Lastly, she hasn't seen you anywhere. Which was odd since you were supposedly in the same grade as her yet you were nowhere to be seen. Not in class, the cafeteria, the courtyard, the field, the library, and not during the school's field trips to town.

After the night you said you would hunt down Rowan, Thing had difficulty spying on you. Something was preventing him from getting close to you. He would move towards you but suddenly he felt like he couldn't move, almost as if he was frozen by Medusa's stare. Two days later he couldn't find you. It was like you were swallowed up by the shadows.

Wednesday didn't fair any better. She knew the chances of having a class with you were high yet you were in none of her classes. She looked everywhere she could think of but you were nowhere. Sure she could ask Enid but she had enough of the bubbly girl talking non-stop about how adorable you both look. Much to her horror, she had also witnessed the stare-down you both did. She saw how close you were to her face.

"You both are a match! You serious and Y/N being cocky yet can be very serious when needed to be!"

"A deadly couple- Earl and..... dangerous detective who doesn't hesitate to threaten to pluck someone's eyeball out. Hehe"


I would rather die than ask Enid for help. She thought as she drank her black coffee during her volunteer break.

"If you want the coffee to be hotter I could reheat it for you, I doubt your glare could make it boil" joked Taylor as he walked by her table to clean the one behind her.

She just gave a scoff before catching a glimpse of the person who had entered the cafe. At first glance, she paid no mind to them until the curly-haired boy ran back to the counter to confirm the large order the new person was going to order. Wednesday couldn't help but look up at the person who had ordered at least 20 different coffees and teas along with pastries. She wanted to see who was sentenced to such torture but to her surprise, it turned out to be a gift for her.

The person doing said pick-up was none other than the girl who was always with Y/N. But instead of wearing the black turtle neck and skirt she wore when she saw her the first time or her school uniform, she was wearing baggy camouflage tech wear pants with a hoodie and hiking boots.

What truly caught her eye was the fact the hiking boots had fresh mud on them. Not only that but Y/B/F/H/C was a bit messy, as if she was exposed to the elements for a while. The bit of red on her face only confirmed Wednesday's suspicion.

Quickly Wednesday fished into her bag to see her notebook to see if there was any job for the festival that involved the woods or anything heavy with mud. The only thing she could think of was Pilgram World but the school wasn't going to send students there till tomorrow.

The more she thought about she hadn't seen your right hand (who seemed to be your best friend) at all along with the rest of your escort that arrived during the Poe Cup. Her thoughts were cut short when she saw the girl walking away with two trays of cup holders in both hands and one large bag of pastries hanging on her shoulder.

Before that Earl disappeared she was always next to her. Based on how many coffees she has, one of them has to be for Y/N. But why appear now? Without a second thought, Wednesday sat there waiting till your best friend was out of the shop to follow.

For the next 10 minutes, Wednesday found herself hiding in the shadows and alleyways of the town as your friend was a block away from her. If Wednesday was being honest was getting a bit annoyed on seeing that your best friend just walking around town as if she was just wandering around. But her stubbornness overruled her annoyance like always. To her luck, your friend eventually led them both to the edge of the town into the woods where the murders have been happening!

All this wandering around was to throw off potential stalkers? What a terrible job. Thought Wednesday as she saw the vampire youth disappear into the woods. Right away she followed to only find herself once again playing the same game- follow, hide, wait, repeat. This went on for 15 minutes until she saw your other followers down the hill with tables set up with what seemed like cameras and other tech things.

All your followers were dressed just like your best friend or in a similar fashion. Due to the high number of vampires in the area, Wednesday had no choice but to hide behind a tree the moment she saw the setup. She knew getting closer would be suicidal for she would be spotted right away. Heck she was risking it where she was currently but base on the fact your friend didn't notice her makes her think that your followers may not be as sharp as you. Yet, the voice in the back if her head begs to differ- what if she did realize but acted like she didn't to lead her to a trap?

No time to fancy such questions, thought Wednesday as she counting the number of people in the clearing. She counted 19. And the one that was missing was none other than you.

As quietly as she could she began to write everything she observed from her hiding place of what your friends were doing: Y/L/N' s followers are located in the woods where the attacks have been happening. All 19 of them are here but there is no sign of the Earl Y/N. Based on the location of the academy and the town I estimate that the fairground where Rowan was killed should be close- possibly 3 miles to the east of the woods for this was the same road the bus took to take us there. All of them are wearing some form of camouflage. There are two large tables in the clearing. Each is full with what seems to be cameras and possibly microphones. Going off their movements they could be installing them in the woods to spy on someone, or something.....

Wednesday stop writing as she look back up to your group who were now gouging down on the pastries and drinks as the talk about random things. Why would Y/N's followers be installing such things in the woods, specifically close to where the last attack happened?

The vision of your dagger appeared once again. Could Y/N have a connection to the beast-

"You know I would suggest taking pictures to gain evidence of a crime scene Miss Viper or else no one will ever believe your findings," said a voice that was eerily similar. "Wanna use my phone?"

Wednesday quickly turned around to strike whoever was behind her but soon found herself being pinned to the tree she was hiding behind with her arms behind her in whiplash motion.

Once her bangs were out of her face and her vision stopped spinning she found a toothy smile with squinted eyes with a dangerous glint in them. She could feel her captor's icy breath just as they were able to feel her warm breath.



Of Woes and Shadows (Wednesday x reader)Where stories live. Discover now