Chapter 5: Outreach Day

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Wednesday pov:

The rest of the night after you had dropped her off at her bedroom, Wednesday found herself lying on her bed replaying the interaction you both had over and over again like a broken record on a phonograph. Even with her eyes open she could still see your serious and understanding face. Once in a while the sincere smile and the worry you showed when she showed you the drawing would appear.

That had to be the first time I've probably had a real conversation with someone without having to simplify my words for them to understand me......

She turned over on her bed to face the wall to prevent Thing and Enid from seeing the hint of emotion in her dimless eyes. The first to actually hear me, to listen and try to understand.......

Y/N Pov:

After leaving Wednesday in her room you went back to your where you recounted everything that had happened between you and the gothic beauty. Y/B/F/N couldn't help but tell you the interaction sounded like the both of you were waiting to rip each other's throats out the second someone took a miss-step.

You just laughed it off by saying you had fun talking to Wednesday, it wasn't every day you found someone who wasn't intimidated by you and the world you were a part of.

"She didn't really answer your question, I hope you know Y/N." said Y/B/F/N as she walk back in fourth from the door to the window in deep thought.

"Should we investigate her more? Like reach out to our other members?" chirp F/N as they reorganised their class notes.

"She did answer the question. Just not verbally" is all you said as you jump on your king size bed to take your power nap of an hour before you begin looking over the paperwork the UN had sent you to look over for potential Nevermore copies in other areas in the world that didn't have a school for Outcasts.

Before you began to drift away to dreamland you couldn't help but worry for the human girl. The fear told me that she was innocent. She may be a good liar but no one is truly good at hiding their true emotions, it's always the heart that tells the truth. I don't blame her, I too wouldn't want to rope in with Crackstone bastard. Whatever it is that Rowan's mother saw I need to figure it out soon because whatever it is, clearly is going to put everyone here in danger. Especially, Wednesday.

But even in your short nap you couldn't help but worry for the human girl.

The next thing you knew the night slipped through your hands like sand the moment you woke up because, in the blink of an eye, you were in town with the rest of Nevermore doing the last things for Outreach day which is tomorrow.

"Pff there's that golddigger bootlicker of a mayo," said one of your friends as they followed you.

"And that specist of a Sheriff. Yuuuuck!" said another friend of yours

"Shut up and go sit down. If anyone hears you it will be Y/N that gets in trouble...... although you guys aren't wrong tho" said Y/B/F/N as she glared the rest of the gang.

You couldn't help but chuckle, "Ditto to all of that. Now do as she told you. I'll catch up with you all once I'm done with the meeting. Hopefully, it's only 20 minutes or else of stabbing my eyes out."

Your friends said goodbye as they jokily saluted you. All you could do was flash them a middle finger as you "casually" scratch the back of your ear. You couldn't help but smile when you heard their laughs and fake gasps.

As the mayor of Jericho said his very cringy speech you couldn't help but gag mentally. Was that suppose to motivate us? LORD!

From where you stood behind the mayor you saw Wednesday standing next to Xavier. She looks determined about something due to her scowl being more defined than ever. She saw that you were looking at her and moved her dark brown eyes to motion you to follow her once the speeches were done. You gave her a small nod as you continued to stand in attention as if you were back in military camp with your friends. Your hands behind you did a quick summoning of your demon Atredis who already knew his job was to look after Wednesday after he caught you worrying about her for the past 12 hours.

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