Chapter 6: The Meeting House

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Wednesday Pov:

For the past 5 minutes, Wednesday couldn't help but silently question why she had grabbed your hand and returned the squeeze to you. Letting your cold hand go didn't help either, it only made an odd feeling in her chest. She had never experienced such a thing before. In general, it was unlike her to do such an emotional thing to someone, she didn't even do such a thing with her brother who was always around to protect.

This school is truly making me mad. First Y/N, and now Eugene. Sooner I solve this case the sooner things will return to normal. She told herself as she continued to whip the barf off Eugene. It must be one Y/N demon's doing this to me. Then again we are both suspicious of each other so I wouldn't be shocked if this is her doing to see if I'll leak out any other information I'm hiding.

If it weren't for Eugene breaking the silence between them she would've kept thinking about what was happening to her and how you played a role in this odd situation.

"You remind me of my brother. Sans the desire to strangle him every waking moment. Now follow me" she said as she stood up. Almost as if she was trying to restabilize her stiff nature that was cracking. "I need to know more about this Crackstone. So we have a meeting house to break into."

She then dragged confused Eugene to the meeting house. As she dragged him there he kept asking if they should wait for you. Each time he mentioned your name the emotionless girl would stand slighter taller and pick up her pace without saying anything. Eventually, Eugene gave up and did as he was told. Even though he was terrified about the idea of ditching you and breaking into a restricted area.

Once Eugene understood his job Wednesday entered the meeting room along with Thing. She look around only to slightly freeze upon seeing the blond-haired girl in a painting on the wall. There she was holding the same book she saw her holding in her vision during the Poe Cup. She begun to look around the old building for the book, which she found. A tinge of excitement was heard in her voice as well in her eyes as she crack open the glass case to retrieve it.

Only to be disappointed about it right away for the book wasn't the original one. It was a fake- nothing more but a carbon copy!

"I don't know who Etsy is, but I doubt she was an outcast seattle-"

Suddenly she felt a hand covering her mouth as another slithered across the right side of her waist to the left side of her hip. Slamming her against someone's soft yet firm body as she was dragged backwards deeper into the room. Thing panicked and was ready to pounce on whoever had taken her hostage only to be swallowed by a shadow right away.

Her eyes slightly widen upon seeing Thing disappear before her eyes but quickly got over it as soon as what felt like a veil fell over her body as the hands sunk deeper into her pale skin. Now it was her eyebrows showing a sign of emotion for one went up as the other went down, questioning what was happening.

"It's me, It's me!" you whispered into her ear. "Don't move or say anything!"

Wednesday was about to turn her head to face you but the door had opened. It was non-other than the manager of Pilgram World dragging in a panicking Eugene.

"Where is she!? The goth girl?!" she exclaimed, she walking around the room looking for her. Even though there weren't much hiding places within the meeting room the redhead still checking under the tables and behind the mannequin of Crackstone to see if she was there. She even dared to look up at the sun window to see if she had somehow jumped up there to hide. She walk around the meeting room three times, three times past them.

This must be Y/N's shadow magic thought Wednesday as she glance around the surroundings. Your shadow ability made it look like an old black Christian church veil was draped over both of you. The way the shadows moved reminded her how blood sinks in water, flowing down like a bride's wavey dress as the skirt tries to reach for the surface only causing its user to sink deeper down into the depths. She wanted to touch it but she knew you wouldn't let her for it could cause you both to be seen.

Of Woes and Shadows (Wednesday x reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu