𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐸𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑛

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Thank you all for reading and I'll try to update again soon.


It was a nice day and our hero's are picking up camp. Pikachu was off eating a Apple and got some of it stuck in his throat. Servine shook her head at Pikachu and she also saw that he was having a hard time with now.

Servine rushed to Momo and brushed up against her. "What's wrong?" Momo asked. Servine pointed to Pikachu. She grew worried and went over to him. She checked up on Pikachu and she saw that he had swallowed a to big peace of apple.

"Ash Pikachu swallow a too big of a peace of Apple." Said Momo.

"What!?" Ash rushed over and he said to Pikachu sturnly, but gently, "Pikachu you need to be careful and eat slowly."

"Pi." Said Pikachu weakly.

Momo was able to get the Apple peace out and said, "We should get Pikachu to a Pokemon Center to make sure the Apple didn't do any damage to Pikachu's throat." Said Momo.

"Right." Said Ash as they rushed off. They had everything packed and all they did was grapp their bags. They couldn't find a Pokemon Center and Brock found a normal People hospital.

The doctor was rude and wouldn't help and it was Momo who snapped at him what he should be ready go help anyone even a Pokemon since there isn't a Pikachu Center close by. The guy ended up checking Pikachu's throat and letting them know that Pikachu's throat was just sore and to just give the mouse Pokemon some cold water.

They ended up staying and helping him when a punch of hurt wild Pokemon was rushed in. Momo was helping the the doc was impressed that Momo was good with healing. Momo even helped calmed down a baby Cubone.

Brock grew jealous and he tried to help Momo who was glad for the help. Anytime she tried to set the Cubone down he would cry again. Brock helped by giving it's wounds some Potions and putting a rap over it.

Ash didn't like this doctor guy. He helped as well and they even helped an Ekans and they had to once again stop Jessie and James from trying to steal the Pokemon. In the end the doctor had turned nicer and he still was a womanizer.

They left and continued on their journey.
"I'm glad to be away from him." Said Momo.

"I don't plane you. He was a bit of a creep." Said Ash agreeing with his sister.

"Yeah, he was a jerk for half of the time." Said Brock in agreement.

"Pikachu." Said Pikachu with weak voice still. They walked along with Momo giving Pikachu water that was could and by the time it was dinner time Pikachu was feeling a lot better.

They set up in a spot big enough for them to set up camp. Ash trained a bit with his Pokemon and they all grew stronger. Ash had sent some Pokemon back to Prof. Oak's lab to get Bulbasaur and Squirtle. While training with them they evolved into Ivysaur and Wartortle.

Momo trained a bit with Seadra and her Eseggutor. She sent her Leafeon to Prof. Oak's lab to relaxe and to get some time off. It was during dinner they found two Oddish trying to get some food from Venusaur. She saw that they also looked beat up and weak. She grew sad and she pushed her food bowl towards the two and they happily started to eat.

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