Chapter Nineteen

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It was a nice day, and our heroes were walking along. They decided to stop and have lunch and let their Pokemon play and relax. They then heard clicking noices and found a boy talking pictures of Pikachu and their other Pokemon.

They learned that he was a Pokemon photographer and that he took pictures of Pokemon in their natural habitat. This sounded cool to the gang, and they let him take pictures of their Pokemon as they ran and played. Todd is the boys name, and he continues to talk with them, and they become good friends. Todd had a hard time trying to take a good picture of Pikachu, who is camera shy.

They also learned that Todd took a picture of what happened with the ancient Pokemon. They told him to never show that to anyone or tell anyone about it. Todd was sad about this, but understood why they asked him and he agreed.

They packed up their thing,  and they returned their Pokemon besides Togepi, Servine, and Pikachu. Momo is waiting a few more months before she tried to train Togepi. She was still new to the world, after all.

As they walked with Todd, and then Team Rocket suddenly tried to grab Pikachu, who dodged them the first two times, but they caught him the third. Ash and Todd ran after them, and together, they got Pikachu back. They were in the middle of a river that had fast-moving water.

"Momo, didn't you send Seadra Back for Gardevoir? You can use her to teleport Ash, Pikachu, and Todd over here." Brock said, thinking fast.

"That's right. Go, Gardevoir!" Called Momo as her Embrace Pokemon appeared in a white light.

"Gardevoir, use Teleport on Ash, Pikachu, and Todd and bring them here!" Momo called.

"Voir!" Called Gardevoir as her eyes glowed, and Ash, Pikachu, and Todd were back on land, and they sighed in relief.

"Thanks, sis, Gardevoir." Said Ash.

"Pika." Said Pikachu to the Embrace Pokemon, who smiled and nodded. "Garde,Voir."

"Thanks, guys." Said Todd. He then frowned and said, "I'm sorry, I didn't know they were bad people."

"It's okay, Todd. We know that Team Rocket can trick people. They have done it to us before, too." Said Brock.

"Yeah, no hard feeling." Said Momo.

"Yeah, I agree. You thought that they wanted a picture of Pikachu. I'm glad you wanted a good picture of my buddy." Said Ash.

Todd was also able to finallily get a good picture of Pikachu and Gardevoir. They agreed to travel together until they had to go their separate ways.


As our heroes walked, they came across a place that tested trainers knowledge of Pokemon. Todd wanted Ash and Momo to try it.

"I don't know, I don't want to be a Pokemon Master." Said Momo.

"I'll give it a go just for fun." Said Ash with a smile.

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