𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑆𝑖𝑥

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Sorry for the wait and I'll try to update my other stories soon.


It was a few days later that our heroes are on their way to the next City and they had a few adventures. They meet a boy named AJ who had a Gym and he never lost a battle until Ash. With Pikachu and Dragonair he won. AJ did change a bit and he wasn't as stuck up. He did give Ash a unofficial badge he gives out. Ash did keep it in a spot where it was safe to remember the experience.

They also experience a few other adventures that was crazy. They met a Bulbasaur that protected a place where Pokemon could go if they were hurt or abandoned. They had a lot of fun seeing all of the Pokemon. Team Rocket tried to steal all of the Pokemon there with a new robot they made. In the end the girl looking after the Pokemon, Melanie was her name. She wanted Ash to take Bulbasaur with him. She wanted him to learn more and Ash agreed and he caught Bulbasaur by battling it like normal.

They then had a few other ones. They learned about Bill's light house. They saw a few Eevee's and their evolved form and they had fun. They even saw a huge Dragonite. They saved it from Team Rocket and Bill earned it's trust a bit. The Dragon Pokemon was lonely and Bill wanted to slowly work on becoming close to Dragonite. They left with a few more friends. Momo got a female Eevee and Espeon. Ash got a male and female Vaporeon and Jolteon. Brock got a male Eevee as well.

They also came across a team of Squirtle who causes some trouble around the town. They captured Momo and her friends. Pikachu got hurt and Ash was able to prove that he and his friends were kind trainers and they helped keep the Squirtle Squad safe from Team Rocket and the leader wanted to go with Ash. He was surprised, but he welcomed the new friend. Jenny and the Squirtle squad is now working together to fight fires.

They also meet a Charmander who was abandoned and they helped heal it with some of Momo's Aura. They got to the Pokemon Center and they were able to get there and thanks to them Charmander was going to be okay with rest. Charmander soon realized who it's true trainer is who's name is Damian and helped show his former trainer up. Ash got a new friend in Charmander after that and they were all excited to have the sweet Fire type travel with them. Momo and Ash called their uncle Lance and he came with Officer Jenny and they arrested Damian. He had so many other Pokemon that were taken from him. They were happy to take the Pokemon that he had. The Pokemon that didn't want to fight Ash and Momo sent them to Prof. Oak who would be happy to learn more about them.

Momo got Hoppip, Leafeon, Snivy, Exeggutor, and Kirlia.
Ash got Charmander, Alolan Geodude, and Growlithe.
Ash love the ones he got and they looked as good as expected. He will let the Professor know why a bunch of Pokemon came to him for the both of them.
Brock got Anorith, Corsola, Diglett, Kirlia, and Kabutops. The three friends couldn't believe the Pokemon that Damian had. They were mad that he was so horrible to them. They were very happy to see the idiot get put away. Lance thanked Momo and Ash for letting him know and he left on his Dragonite.

They had Nurse Joy look over their new Pokemon. The Pokemon trusted Nurse Joy and let her take then to the back and let her check them over. This helped the Pokemon feel like they could trust them more. They came back healed and happy. Momo, Ash, and Brock were glad to hear this and they went to call Prof. Oak and let him know why he got so many Pokemon. He was happy to know that he had new Pokemon to learn about. They told him which Pokemon they had so he knew which ones belonged to the twins. He thanked them and he went to start helping the new Pokemon get settled into the Carol. After that they went to rest in their rooms.

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