Chapter Twelve

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Sorry for the wait. Thank you for reading, guys.


Our heroes were walking along, heading to the poison gym. It's Gym Leader was Koga, and he was pretty strong was well. They were getting close to the next city, and Ash was getting excited.

"I think I'll use Starmie, Pidgeotto, and Geodude." Said Ash thinking.

"Good choices." Said Brock nodding.

"Yeah. They will work well." Said Momo with a smile and nod.

They suddenly heard a bush rustle. They looked over and waited, ready to increase something that happened. Out of the bushes came a humanoid Pokemon. It was punching in place, ready to fight.

Ash looked up this Pokémon and the Poke'dex, and it said;

"Hitmonchan The Punching Pokemon.
Its punches slice the air. They are launched at such high speed, and even a slight graze could cause a burn. However, it seems to need a short break after fighting for three minutes."

"What!?" Cried Momo scared.

"That's some power!" Cried Ash.

"Yeah, and it looks like it wants a fight." Said Brock.

Hitmonchan ran at them suddenly. They all cried out and ran out of the way. Ivysaur sent out a powerful Razor Leaf and sent Hitmonchan flying into a tree. It struggled to get up, but it did.

Hitmonchan's trainer came trying to get it to fight back. Ash was ticked off and shouted at the man, "You should be careful! Your Hitmonchan could have badly hurt my sister and Ivysaur! We aren't boxers for you to fight!"

This scared the man and his Pokemon. Ash had a dark aura around him. A little girl came running over, saying, "Daddy, stop! Please come home."

The man refused and left with his Pokemon. They learned that her name is Rebecca. They let her hang with them. They learned why she wanted her dad to come home.

They agreed to help her. Ash used his Primeape. Brock and Momo would support him in the stands. Ash was competing in a boxing match. He was doing well until he had to fight Rebecca's dad. Team Rocket tried to take the Pokemon. (I know this didn't happen, but I wanted to add it anyway)


Ash won the tournament, and Rebecca's dad decided to come home. They left after saying goodbye to their new friends. They were walking into the next city called Gringey City.

The air was so stinky that they had to cover their noes and mouth. "This is so stinky." Said Momo.

"Yeah." Said Ash.

"I wander what could be causing this?" Said Brock.

"Ivysaur!" Cried Momo when she saw her friend wasn't looking so good. Ash also noticed that Pikachu wasn't looking so good as well. "Pikachu!" Ash said, catching Pikachu, who passed out.

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