Chapter 24

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The day had finally arrived. You were sitting on your bed, the nerves starting to kick in. This was all becoming too real. As much as you wanted to do this for Jake and Sunghoon, you knew this would put you in an awkward situation with Heeseung. But secretly, you wanted this. You wanted to bring him back into your life. You wanted that feeling you had the first time you talked to him. The butterflies in your stomach. The feeling of wanting to run through a field of grass and dance around, with the sun shining brightly onto your face. The feeling of laying in bed and giggling and kicking your feet, thinking about the little things that he had said. You secretly wanted all of that.

"y/n....y/n?" Sunoo's voice brought you back to reality.

"Yeah?" You responded, still half stuck in your thoughts.

"What time are you meeting Heeseung?"

"Oh, ummm, 11. I'll drive there so you guys don't need to worry about that," You said, flashing a smile at your friends who were going through your closet to help pick out an outfit.

"What about this?" Hannah said, turning around and holding a pair of jeans in her hands. "You can pair this with the sweater I got last year. The really warm one."

"Wait, that's perfect! Cute, but casual." Sunoo sprinted to Hannah's room to find the sweater she was talking about.

Once Sunoo had left, Hannah sat next to you. You rested your head on her shoulder, thankful for her silent support.

"You sure you want to do this?" She asked, placing her hand on you to calm your nerves.

"It'll make Sunghoon forgive Jake. And that's the most important thing right now. Thank you for asking, though, Hannah. You're the best!" You pulled her into a hug, making sure to hold her tight. It was moments like this that you knew you'd cherish the most in a few years, so you made the most of it.

"Hugs without me?" Sunoo asked, leaning against the door with the sweater in his hand. Hannah opened her arm out, inviting Sunoo into the hug too. The three of you sat in each other's embrace for a minute or so, before you let go.

"Okay, let me go get ready, otherwise we'll be here for hours," You giggled and walked into the bathroom to change.


Sunghoon was sitting in his room, mindlessly doing his homework. As much as he loved studying physiology, today was just not the day for him. Well, ever since things fell out with Jake, he felt like everything was going downhill. Sunghoon knew he'd said some hurtful stuff to his best friend, but he knew this was the only way to bring Jake to his senses.

And when Sunghoon got a call from Sunoo, he knew his plan was fully set in motion.

"Hey, Sunoo...." Sunghoon answered the phone.

"y/n just left to go the mall. I think Jake is gonna go a little after she meets up with Heeseung," Sunoo told Sunghoon.

"Yeah, I honestly have no clue how you pulled this off Sunghoon," Hannah said into the phone.

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