Chapter 4

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Your day just kept crazier. As if running into him at the bookstore wasn't enough, Heeseung even texted you to hang out. As you tried to process the message he sent you, Wonyoung noticed that you seemed a little out of it. You were staring at your phone, with a look of confusion all over your face, which explains why Wonyoung so quickly noticed that something was wrong. 

"You okay?" She asked, in the middle of applying her blush. Her voice brought you back to reality. 

"Oh, yeah, umm, Heeseung just texted me...." You responded, still a bit confused about what was happening. 

"Wait, let me see!" Wonyoung almost yelled, as she dropped her makeup supplies and sat beside you. She practically grabbed your phone out of your hands. As she read his text, she jumped up and threw your phone onto the bed. 

"NO WAY Y/N! HE ASKED YOU TO HANG OUT EVEN AFTER THE WAY YOU TWO BROKE UP? HE'S ACTUALLY INSANE!" Wonyoung blurted out, not shying away from showing her anger for someone she had never met.

"What's going on? You guys okay?" Hannah asked, as she rushed out of the bathroom obviously concerned by the yelling. 

"Well yes and no. We're both fine, but Heeseung..." Wonyoung told Hannah. She then told Hannah about the text and the three of you sat in silence thinking about what to do. 

"I think you should give him a chance..." Wonyoung's voice trailed off, as she was met by Hannah glaring at her. Wonyoung lifted her arms up as if she were backing away from a fight. The three of you laughed at Wonyoung's silliness. 

"Look, it's your decision y/n. But don't forget how he treated you in the past." Hannah said, putting her hand on your shoulder to comfort you. 

You looked at the two of them, and then at your phone. Earlier today, when you saw Heeseung, you were sure that you would never talk to him or see him again. But after seeing his message, and spending the rest of the day thinking about your interaction with him, you weren't as sure as you were before. 

"I'll decide tomorrow morning, I need to sleep on it," You told your two best friends. 

They nodded and Wonyoung gave you a warm hug, to let you know that she had your back. After a while, the three of you went to bed. But you couldn't fall asleep. You kept thinking about Heeseung's message. And you felt your worst fear happening. You were starting to think about him positively, with no hatred or any bad feelings for the way he treated you. You thought about his eyes, his smile, the way he used to make you laugh, the way he hugged you. But unlike earlier, the feelings were strong. You weren't just reminiscing on the past, you were reminiscing your memories with him. You felt conflicted. On one hand, you wanted to have some self-respect and not go running back to your ex, and destroy everything that you and your friends had built. But on the other hand, something inside you was urging you to tell him that you wanted to see him again. 


You, Hannah and Wonyoung were in the kitchen. Hannah was making pancakes for breakfast, or trying to make pancakes. Wonyoung was making a smoothie for the three of you, which she saw online. You were sitting down, watching the two of them make a mess of your kitchen. Usually, you would step in and help them out, but today you were completely out of it. Heeseung's message from last night caught you off guard and made you doubt everything you had told yourself over the last four years. 

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