Chapter 22

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Jake's head almost whipped around to look at Sunghoon. Jake shot Sunghoon a death glare, while you sat there still trying to process what your friend had suggested.

"What?" You asked Sunghoon, still very confused.

"You heard me the first time. Use Jake to make Heeseung jealous," Sunghoon stated, a smug smile appearing on his face. 

"SUNGHOON! YOU'RE A GENIUS!" Sunoo practically yelled, inviting some stares from strangers in the restaurant. You and all the others tried to hide your laughs as Sunoo's face grew bright red with embarrassment. He quickly apologised to the people who were staring at him and shifted in his seat before turning to look at Sunghoon again. 

"Yeah, Sunghoon, you might honestly be onto something," Hannah said, taking a sip of her water right after.

"Glad to see that you guys are finally realising how great my mind is," Sunghoon said, pulling on the collar of his shirt. 

"No, Sunghoon, you're an absolute idiot." Jake's stare was piercing through Sunghoon.

"C'mon, it'll be funny, Jake," Jungwon said, trying to convince his friend to go through with the idea. 

Before you could try to argue, a waiter walked over to your table, placing food in front of your friends. Your friends had already shifted their focus to the food. But in a way, you were relieved. At least this weird idea was never going to be talked about again. Unlike you, though, someone on the table was annoyed. Sunghoon was so close to trying to initiate something. And just when he thought he was making a step forward, he'd been pushed back again. 


Everyone was almost done with their food, and the conversations were getting weirder and weirder. All of you were entering the food coma stage, and now there was absolutely no sense to what you were saying. Literally, anything and everything that could be thought of was being discussed. 

"Guys, I swear, black shirts just look way better on me than any other colour," Jungwon stated, slightly tugging at the black turtleneck he was wearing. 

"I'd try to disagree but I think you're right. Black is definitely your colour, Wonie," Hannah said, earning a massive smile from Jungwon. 

"I think you look better in bright pink," Sunoo cheekily said, which caused Jungwon to slightly shove Sunoo. 

"Okay, but you know who does look good in pink?" You asked your friends, and Wonyoung could tell exactly what you were hinting at. 

"Sunghoon does," Wonyoung teased. "Pink is just so cute on you, Hoonie."

"I'm taking that as my sign to go pay the bill. Jake, come with me." Sunghoon stood up from his seat and tapped Jake's shoulder as he walked past. Jake followed Sunghoon, not wanting to be the next victim of the teasing. 

"We'll meet you guys outside," Hannah said, slowly organising the plates so that it'd be easier for the waiters. You and Jungwon quickly jumped in to help Hannah, while Wonyoung and Sunoo headed to the bathroom. 

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