Chapter 11

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Silence filled the air, as the man realised he was talking to someone completely different to who he had in mind. Romeo moved forward, trying to hide what was happening behind him.

"Who are you?" Romeo asked, and you could tell he was intimidated by the stranger in front of him. 

But instead of answering Romeo's question, Heeseung just observed what he could see in front of him. Hannah was being held forcefully by a man that Heeseung didn't recognise. Then his eyes shifted to the floor, where he saw an old friend of his, Sunoo. Immediately, Heeseung knew that something was wrong. 

Romeo loosened his grip on Hannah's hand, finally processing what he'd just done. Heeseung stood in place, making sure to stare straight into Romeo's eyes.

Romeo looked back at Hannah, observing the pained look on her face. Then he looked back at Sunoo, noticing that he was still gripping his stomach in pain and face stained with tears. Then he looked at you, barely being able to raise your head, the blood pooled on the floor.  

"I'm sorry..." The regret in Romeo's voice was obvious. He turned back to look at Hannah, and smiled at her weakly.

 "I' to you later," Romeo said quietly, as he walked out of the apartment. 

"No you won't," Heeseung muttered, just loud enough for Romeo to hear. But instead of causing a scene, Romeo kept walking. He knew he'd messed up. 

The moment you heard the front door close, you felt yourself getting weaker. Your head fell back to the floor, then everything went black. 


Your eyes opened and bright lights overwhelmed your vision for a second. Then your head started throbbing and your vision adjusted. The uncomfortable sheets of the hospital bed just added to the terrible experience. You turned to the side, wanting to see Hannah and hug her tight. You wanted to apologise for everything, even if it wasn't your fault. But instead of seeing your best friend, you saw Heeseung. He was zoned out, looking at the walls of the hospital room. You cleared your throat lightly to get his attention. 

"Ah, you're awake! Feeling alright?" He asked, giving you his full attention now. You noticed that the dress shirt he was wearing was stained with some blood. And even in your half concussed state, you could put the pieces together. That was your blood on his shirt. 

"My head still hurts a bit, but otherwise, I think I'm okay," You responded to his question, being as honest as you could. 

"That's good. If everything goes well, they said you should be fine to go home tomorrow morning," Heeseung said, scooting his chair forward to be closer to you. 

"How's Sunoo?" You asked, still not being able to get the sounds of his cries out of your head. 

"He's doing alright. Hannah's with him right now. She didn't want to disturb any of your other friends at midnight, which is why, unfortunately for you, I'm here," He chuckled a little as he said the last part. 

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