Chapter 15

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Those two words lit up the screen. 

I'm sorry

But then it hit you. The phone in your hand was not yours but your best friend's. The message on the screen wasn't for you, it was for her. 

"What's wrong?" Sunoo asked, noticing your silence.

"Look." You turned the phone to face Sunoo, who quickly observed the notification. Sunoo's eyes then scanned the name of the sender.


"He's apologising? After everything he did? An apology isn't going to change the fact that he's a fucking asshole," Sunoo whispered to you, not wanting the entire store to hear him complain.

"You're right, Sun. But Hannah's the one that has to make that call, not us," You reminded Sunoo, who slowly nodded.

Hannah had walked out of the changing room, holding the pair of pants in her right hand. She called out to you and Sunoo, so you walked towards her, with Sunoo following closely behind you.

"Did they fit nicely?" You asked.

"Mhm! I think I'll get them. Long-term investment, you know," Hannah joked about the price of the pants.

She walked towards the counter, with you and Sunoo whispering about how to tell Hannah about the message. You knew that the events of that day had scarred your best friends. And the last thing you wanted was to stress them out even more. You watched as Hannah swiped her card, purchasing the pants. 

"Tell her," Sunoo whispered into your ear, as Hannah walked over towards the two of you. 

"No way, you tell her," You whispered back, not wanting to take the responsibility of telling Hannah what you and Sunoo had seen on her phone. 

"I'm officially broke," Hannah laughed, as she held up the Prada bag that her new pants were in. You and Sunoo both laughed, to make sure it wasn't awkward. But both of you were dreading showing Hannah the notification. And even though you did feel like you were overreacting, you knew that you had reason to feel the way you did.

You handed Hannah her phone, making sure to light up the lock screen to bring her eyes to the notification. She grabbed her phone, quickly glancing at the lock screen. Then her eyes widened. Both you and Sunoo knew exactly why. She'd just read the message. And she was processing it exactly how you thought she would. Confusion. Disgust. Two things that both you and Sunoo had felt. But there was something else on Hannah's face. Empathy. 

"Let's go," Hannah said, not bothering to mention the message. 

You and Sunoo eyed each other, both feeling the same thing. It was weird that Hannah didn't mention it. Not that you needed her to mention it, because the two of you had already seen the message. But it felt like she was hiding it from you.   

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